Feeling Down

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With urgent strides, Levi pushes open the door to the dining hall and is about to call everyone to attention, but he notices that most everyone has their focus on something else in the room already.

Kert looks up to and locks eyes with Levi, relieved at his timing "Captain! Come here, F/N is out cold!"

"What?" Levi felt a tightness build in his chest as soon as he heard it was you, but he held it together to seem calmer than he really was.

With steady strides, Levi made his way over to where you were. The other Scouts who had made a small crowed around your table parted for their Captain's entry. Upon clearing through Levi finally saw the state you were in. You were still breathing, luckily, but you were not responsive whatsoever. Sitting limp, hunched, head resting on the table, Levi shook your shoulder and loudly said your name.

"She's out, sir," Kert assured "we tried that already".

Levi stood up straight and rubbed the bridge of his nose "Ugh, I don't have time for this," Levi pointed to Kert "Cadet!"

Kert saluted to his Captain "Yessir?"

"Please carry L/N to the infirmary so the nurses can keep on eye on her. I have important information for you all, so I'll have someone fill you in when you get back".

"Yessir!" Kert scooped you up in his arms and walked you out the door.

"Alright, everybody sit down!" Levi's deep voice echoed through the hall "We have a mission, so everyone needs to be at their full attention".


It's fuzzy, your vision, as your eyes slowly blink open.

"Ugh, what happened?" you groan, feeling severely light headed.

"Oh good, you're up," a calm voice piped up next to your bedside.

You turned to see a woman in medical garb standing next to you as you lay on what you presume to be a hospital bed.

"Take it easy, you were passed out for awhile, you still need time to get your senses back," the doctor laid her hand on your head and eased you into your pillow.

"Passed out?" your voice was in a grumbled whisper "For how long?"

"Hmm, about two hours or so, give or take".

You sigh in relief; you were worried days had gone by! But how did this happen? You could barely recall, but you remembered a guy being there... Kerk? Dirk? Kert? It was one of those, you knew for sure.

You weren't too worried about that, what did worry you was that it was the middle of the day, and surly you were missing out on something important.

While your doctor's back was turned you leaned up and dangled your legs off the bed. She ended up hearing your rustling and quickly glanced back to you.

"Whoa! What are you thinking?" She blurts, baffled by your sudden movements.

"I can't be missing from my Scout duties, I need to go," you try to lift yourself up, but your doctor holds you still by the shoulders.

Empty Affair [AOT: Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now