A New Agreement

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Back stiff, you lay slightly upright on your hospital bed. Although you had just been out for four whole days— at least that's what the doctors said— you still felt extremely worn out. You felt like you needed a proper rest, but no matter how long you rested your head deep in your pillow, eyes closed, enjoying the silence, there was something still keeping you up- or rather, the lack of something. Your legs, you awoke to them missing from the lower half of your body; the doctors had to calm you down when you started showing symptoms of a panic attack. You couldn't understand how this all happened, you remembered nothing, and yet here you were: Legless. The doctors had since left the room to give you some space— some peace and quiet— but thoughts kept screaming in your head about how your life was going to change from here on out.

"No more horse riding," you solemnly muttered to yourself "No more running, or taking nice strolls. No more wandering the Cadet halls and practicing with the other Scouts".

You then froze, an obvious realization striking you, causing a tear to roll down your cheek.

"No more Scout regiment. No more... seeing Captain Levi," you sigh and begin to sob quietly in the small recovery room "but maybe that's for the best...".


The Infirmary room door opens with a small click, and a slow creaking noise is heard as it's gingerly opened. Levi pokes his head through, panting slightly. He peers in silently and sees you laying on one of the further beds inward. Your eyes were red and moist, but it looked like you had just fallen asleep.

Levi's heart began to race at the mere sight of you. It was as if he had just seen an angel, and he didn't dare wake you up for his own selfish reasons. Instead, he softly shut the door and tip-toed his way over to your bed side, taking a chair by the door with him to sit beside you.

Despite how beautiful he thought you were, he could tell how bad of shape you were in. Your face still looked pale from the blood loss, and your arms had gotten drastically skinnier. The new thinness to your face as well made Levi's heart ache for your wellbeing, but not only because of that. He looked down to where your legs should have been and he was struck with an overbearing sadness. He leaned on the edge of your hospital bed and quietly wept— although he tried his best to keep it inside himself, all while not realizing he was also grasping your limp hand for comfort. By the sudden touch and noise, your eyes slowly blinked open.

"L-Levi?" you question in a quiet, raspy voice.

Levi raises his head up, locking his eyes to yours in surprise. A small, precious smile then appears on his face "Y/N, I'm sorry I woke you. I just... wanted to see you".

Not fully awake yet, you don't say anything but slowly have all he said register as you both sit in silence.

Levi, still holding your hand, brings his forehead down to it, feeling your soft skin against his for comfort. You feel a dampness fall from his eyes onto your finger, and it catches you by surprise. You slowly sit up, unable to take your hand away. You had trouble figuring out how or why Levi was crying next to you like this. But, despite the oddity, you were still moved by it. Seeing Levi express an emotion that wasn't anger, neutrality or— just in your case— lustful; it moved you.

"I-I'm sorry Captain Levi, but-" you stammer, slipping your hand free from his touch "I'm afraid I don't understand what's happening. Is this another plan you have for me, or-"

Empty Affair [AOT: Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now