Chapter 28

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That Night - Umi's POV - Age 27 - Jonin

I get woken up to a crash and I grab my katana and I run to the Hokage office and I burst in, in time to grab the Giant Shuriken coming through the window, that was coming for me. "Lady Tsunade, Shizune, Naruto, are you guys ok?" I ask.

"Where have you been?" Lady Tsunade asks me, slightly ticked off.

"Sleeping, hence my pajama's." I say and Naruto goes after Sora and I run to the gates. "Everyone move back behind me." I order and everyone goes behind me and I use a fireball Jutsu on the zombies and they turn to dust.

"Thanks." Kiba says to me and I nod.

"Gather your chakra, I'll hold these guys off for a while until your chakra is back up." I say to everyone and they nods, I activate my Sharigan and I fight these Zombies and once everyone's chakra is back up, they help me until the barrier disappears and the statues go down along with the mound and the zombies stop coming.

"Come on." Shikamaru says to me and the rest of his team and Kiba's team and we run through town when I see limelight start.

I stop abruptly and I look at it before I do a few hand signs and a protective barrier goes up around the village and transporting people who mean harm, outside the village and below limelight. I stand there making the ram seal with my eyes closed as I focus on the barrier.

"Thank Kami." A jonin says watching me.

Sora goes crazy and Naruto stops him while Asuma and Kazuma fight it out and I stand there, keeping the village protected.

"Umi, I could use some help here." Asuma says to me.

"I'm busy trying to keep the village protected, if I break my concentration for even a second, that barrier goes down and any other evil forces can get in." I say to him in a calm tone as I keep my concentration solid.

"They don't have back up you know." Asuma says to me.

"I know, but I'd rather have Lady Tsunade stay out of this fight at the moment, whatever good is in the barrier, stays in the barrier, evil gets thrown out." I say and Asuma sighs and Sai helps Asuma. "Sai? You should be in the hospital." I say and he smiles nervously.

"I'll explain after." Sai says to me and I keep my concentration solid.

Asuma kills Kazuma and Naruto calms Sora down and the two lay on the ground, passed out.

Once I'm completely sure this is over, I let the barrier down and I feel most of my chakra gone. "I need a long, long, long, nap, like 4 moons worth." I say as I sit down and Asuma chuckles.

"You always think about sleep." Asuma says to me.

"No I don't, I think about other things, just now I was thinking about protecting the village." I say to him and he rolls his eyes and he walks over to Sora.

Well, now I no longer have to worry about Kazuma, I saw Asuma finish him off this time and for good.

I sigh and lay back on the grassy hill. "You guys are hopeless, you know that right? Always fighting, there's too much conflict in this life, your gonna make my hair turn gray." I say to them.

"Your right Umi-Sensei, you guys are such a drag." Shikamaru says and joins me along with Jack.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO LAZY!" Ino, Sakura, Ru, Kiba, Sora and Naruto yell at us and I wave them off.

"You guys should expect this from them." Jay, Neji, Shino, and Choji say to them.

Jack falls asleep and I raise an eyebrow. "Hey, I want to sleep, that's not fair Jack." I say and Shikamaru and Asuma laugh.

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