The Next Morning - Umi's POV - Age 27 - Jonin/Mom
"Umi, wake up." Kakashi says to me softly.
"Mom, we have to leave soon." Shiro says to me and I open one eye to look at them.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"The park to meet up with Uki, Mrs. Lucy, Mr. Jamie." Shiro says to me with a grin.
I close my eye again and I sit up. "Fine, I'm up, I'm up, though I don't know why I'm up, but I'm up." I say and Kakashi chuckles and I get up. "I'm gonna shower, I'll be out of the bathroom in 20." I say and Kakashi nods.
I walk to the bathroom with an outfit and towels and I shower. I change into a dark blue slim long sleeve that goes down to a bit past my hands and has the Uchiha crest on the back of my shirt, I put on a pair of black jeans. I walk out of the bathroom as I brush out my hair.
"Mom, how long does it take for you to get ready?" Shiro complains.
I smile amused. "30 or so minutes." I say to him and he pouts. I finish brushing out my hair and I put my flack jacket on. "Alright, finished." I say and Kakashi nods.
"Then lets get going." Shiro says impatiently.
Me and Kakashi smile amused and I bend down behind him and I brush out his hair.
"OW!" He yells as I hit a knot.
"Maybe you should brush your hair every morning so knots don't form." I say to him and Shiro grumbles and I finish with his hair. "Kakashi, do I have to brush through your hair as well?" I ask him.
"Not like you can reach my hair, but I already did." Kakashi says to me and I nod. I put the hair brush away and the three of us head to the park.
Kakashi puts his arm around my waist as we walk.
"Don't you want a jacket?" Kakashi asks me.
"No, though I should have brought Shiro's." I say and Kakashi chuckles and holds it up.
"I brought it." Kakashi says to me and I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.
"Thanks." I say and Kakashi nods.
We get to the park and Uki jumps on Shiro's back and he grins.
"Yep, definitely our generation's us." Kakashi says to me and I nod in agreement. Lucy and Jamie walk over with their flack jackets on and I smile at them.
"We're Jonin." Lucy says to me with a grin.
"Awesome." I say and me and Kakashi watch Shiro as he falls on his face and I wince at that. "You ok Shiro?" I ask him.
"I'm fine, I tripped on air." He says as he sits up.
"Kakashi if you even dare comment on that." I say to him and he chuckles nervously.
"I won't, I won't." Kakashi says to me as he holds up his hands in defense.
"So, is Shiro really yours?" Lucy asks us as Shiro and Uki run around.
"No, he's adopted, Lady Tsunade forced our hands even though we're still dating, but, we love him just as if he was our blood." I say to her and she nods.
"I believe he was one of the best things to happen to us." Kakashi says to them as he wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"So, how long have you guys been dating for?" Jamie asks us.
"5 almost 6 years." I answer and Kakashi puts his chin on my head.
"Wow, that's a long time." Lucy says to us shocked and I smile.

The Eldest Uchiha (Naruto Fan-Fic)
FanfictionMy name you ask? It's Umi, Umi Uchiha. Eldest Child of Fugaku and Mikoto, elder sister of Itachi and Sasuke. I don't own Naruto just Umi.