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Again, no unnecessary excuses to be made, but I do apologise for being so shit at everything :L I saw Bastille on Tuesday and it was the most amazing day of my life, needless to say I am definitely reinspired 😊 BUT I am SO ANGRY at Wattpad for deleting this when I wrote it, I had to rewrite it completely and it was so much better before :( But anyway I hope you still like it :-)

I wake up groggily and sit up with a start, wondering where I am. I look around to see Dan sleeping peacefully beside me and remember our fight and all the events of the previous night. I lie back down and turn on my side to look at him. I would never admit it out loud, but he is the most adorable sleeper I have ever seen. His nose twitches every so often, and his face is so free from the usual stress; he radiates a sort of serenity that makes me feel calm like nothing else can. I realise that it hadn't really occurred to me that we haven't actually had sex yet before last night. I mean, not that our relationship isn't at all physical- it is. We've just been doing...other stuff.. I guess. That's definitely going to change now, I think grinning to myself, but I'm glad we've been taking it slow. It feels right, sort of, unlike almost all of my previous relationships, which have certainly been what most people would call unhealthy. The truth is, before I met Dan, I didn't know what I was doing with my life. I was stupid and reckless, and I didn't care about anything, not even myself. Especially not myself. Anyway, things were getting a little out of hand and I would probably have been kicked out of university by now if Dan hadn't given me a new reason to study. He reminded me that I was lucky to have a life worth living, and that throwing it all away would be an insult not only to myself but to the rest of the world. He also reminded me how much I love to learn, and he helped me get off report and do something worthwhile in my classes.

"Hey," a sleepy Dan interrupts my thoughts.

I smile at him, rolling into his outstretched arm.

"You're up early, for once," he says.

"I slept well... For once," I reply.

"Shh.. You know I don't like that you have sleeping problems," he murmurs.

"Well I don't see how ignoring it's going to make it go away," I roll my eyes, getting out of bed.

I'm halfway to our overly spacious walk-in closet when I feel his eyes on me, so I stop and turn.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Nothing..." Dan says hurriedly, looking away as a blush creeps up his cheeks.

I look down and laugh, realising I'm still naked.

"What's the matter, never seen a naked girl before?" I laugh.

"Just not one as beautiful as you," he replies softly, looking at me again.

I roll my eyes and turn around so he won't see my blush and walk into the closet. It's unnecessarily large, and I have to suppress the urge to yell at an imaginary Anton. Along the two walls are several niches, one side for me and the other for Dan. Outfits hang in each one, and to my dismay I notice enough ridiculous gowns and dresses for almost every night we'll be here, which means at least five balls...

"Oh, hell," I mutter.

I pick out the outfit marked with today's date and the words "Day 1: general tourism, walks along canal, informal lunch."

The thing is minuscule. It's a tiny playsuit, the top of which is almost completely backless and will mean no bra, and the shorts will doubtfully cover my bum. The pale pink, peach and gold Aztec pattern tops off the feeling of revulsion growing in my stomach. Glancing at the tiny gold sandals, I sincerely doubt my ability to put them on without breaking the delicate straps. Sighing furiously, I grab the stuff and storm into the bathroom. Dan looks at me questioningly as I stomp past, but I ignore him. Stepping under the shower, I curse Anton's name under my breath. I just know he does this stuff on purpose to piss me off. He just can't resist choosing the absolute polar opposite of everything I usually wear just to make everything harder.

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