1• Ready

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"I'll save my home and family"

(Thank you to jadonbodca for the idea! I've changed a couple things up, but thanks for the idea my dude!)

Y/N's POV:

I get up, rub my eyes and yawn. The sun is up, I should start getting ready for work.

I go into the bathrooms and start brushing my hair.

It's been two years since I've been in Detroit, Boomer and Mochi are now older. Life has been great in Canada, except for the trying to hide androids part.

Androids still aren't allowed in Canada, especially after that war.

My hair is brushed and I grab clothes, getting dressed. I no longer work as a police officer, I now work as a veterinarian.

I go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I feel hands go around my waist. "You heard me?" I smile. He lays his head on my shoulder. "Of course, you're not very quiet" he laughs.

I look at him.

Cameron has changed, ever since all his orders and programs were removed, he's been the sweetest guy ever.

"I love you" He says. "I love you too" I kiss him.

"Mom!" I hear running down the hallway. I turn around and smile.

Me and Cameron adopted a child, we named him Lance. He's been so sweet, and so adorable. He has brown hair, black eyes, and he's really really playful. He'll be a handful with the laddies when he's older. Today is his first day to school! I've never seen him more excited.

(When I say Vol, you say Tron! Vol!)

"Is it time to leave yet?" Lance asks. "Almost, I'll drop you off at school" I smile.

"Okay!" Lance runs back to his room. Haha... so cute...

"You should get going Cameron, you'll be late" I say. "I will, soon" Cameron smiles. "Cameron, go now" I say. "Haha! Alright" Cameron kisses my cheek and leaves for work.

Life has been good, Alice is now older and she's like the sister I've never had. Her and Lance seem to get along really well, even if Alice is older than him.

Kara and Luther are also together, and they're so cute. They're such a great family! It's been surprising that they've never been caught as androids yet.

I check the time, I should take Lance to school now. "Lance! Are you ready?" I call. "Yep!" Lance runs back out with his backpack on.

I smile widely, I didn't grow up with a family at all. Now... I'll make sure I'll do better than my parents, I'll never leave Lance, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure he's happy and feels loved. He also has Cameron, as well as Kara, Alice, and Luther.

I wish he could meet Connor and Hank... I'm sure they'd get along. Speaking of which... I haven't seen Connor since we left Detroit. I promised him I'd keep him in my heart and visit him but... I felt like Connor wasn't enough. Especially since it was a long distance relationship, it never would've worked out.

"Let's go Lance, you shouldn't be late to your first day" I smile. I open the door and hear police sirens coming near. I go out the door and grab my stuff.

The sirens are now right by me, I hear cars pull in my driveway. I look up and the police cars are in my driveway. What's going on?

My heart races as I get more and more worried. Cameron, where's Cameron?!

A police officer goes up to me, grabs my wrist tightly and puts cuffs on me. Lance begins to tear up.

"Mom? Mommy?" Lance's voice shakes. "It'll be okay Lance! I'll be fine!" I say. Another police officer comes and grabs Lance, pulling him away.

"Don't touch him! Let him go!" I try to get up but I'm pushed down. "What's going on?! What did I do?!" I ask.

I overhear police officers. "We can't much, she technically didn't do any damage, she should be forced out of Canada at the most"

"She should be put in jail, since apparently she's had them for two years, but you're right, she didn't do any damage"

They know? Cameron... is he okay?

I'm pulled up and put in the back of a police car with Lance beside me. "Mom? What's going on?" Lance asks, worried. "I'm not sure, buts it's fine, mommy is here" I say.

I take a deep breath. I've never told Lance that his father is an android, if he found out... god...

The car starts moving. I look out the window, we're going to a police station. They definitely know about Cameron.


We reach the police station and I'm pulled into a room. Where's Lance? He's the only thing I need to be worried about right now... as well as Cameron.

A police officer sits in front of me. I'm being interrogated. I know how this works all too well.

"Do you have an Android in your household?" He asks. I don't answer him. "Talk to me, you can trust me" he says. Uh huh... sure, he doesn't know who I am and what I've done.

"Can you tell me what you do for a job?" He asks. "I'm a veterinarian" I say. "Did you have any past jobs?" He asks. "I was a police investigator" I say.

The cop looks at a sheet of paper. "You've graduated top of all your classes it seems, so you know exactly how this interrogation works" he says. "I probably know more than you" I smile.

"Just tell me, it's an RK900 right?" He asks. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Yea" I say. "That wasn't hard, right?" He asks.

"Just leave us alone! We haven't done anything!" I say. "It's illegal to have androids here, although you're right, you haven't done anything bad, which means your punishment won't be as bad" he says.

"Why did you go to Canada?" He asks. "Canada is android free and was the only place I could start over" I say. "Your son, Lance, is adopted? Correct?" He asks. "Yea" I say.

"Alright... what's the androids name and what's your relationship with it?" He asks. "Cameron, and he's my lover" I say. "An Android? Your lover?" He looks at me confused.

"Yes, is that all?" I ask. "Okay, so 'Cameron' is already here, and we request one, simple, easy thing" he says.

"You need to leave Canada" he says.

"Leave Canada?! Why?!" I ask. "Androids aren't allowed here, just go back to Detroit, isn't it nice for androids there anyway?" He asks. "I wouldn't say it's nice, but it's as safe as it can be" I say.

"Good, so go to Detroit and move in with any family members or get a house, you have a week to move out, if you aren't gone after a week, we'll have to lock you up, destroy that android, and take your son away" he says.

"Alright! I'll go!"

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