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Hi guys!

The title. Yea... your probably all wondering about that.

Well... I might discontinue this book...

Remember. "Might" it's not for sure.

I have a list of reasons why!

Let me tell you:

1. Inspiration
I was really fond of this book, "Ocean Eyes" even more. But... I've sorta fell out of the DBH fandom. It was sorta like a one-hit wonder for me. As you can tell, I've fallen hardcore into the TWDG fandom and I don't see me getting out anytime soon. Basically... I've lost all inspiration for this. Some days I just go on a writing spree, but this book... it just doesn't give me that spark like it used to.

2. Time
I honestly have NO time! I'm busy with school, parents, just my own personal life in general. And on the weekends, I just want to relax and enjoy the time. Writing had seemed like... work for me. I just don't have time for a book like this.

3. Story
If you ask me, the story is actual ass!
I mean- I just progress things too quickly and it's all over the place! One moment you hate Connor, the next you're kissing him! It's confusing myself, and I'm the author!

4. People
Just people in general! Don't get me wrong, the positivity and great people on this book out weighs the hate.
But there's just SO much hate I get on "why the plot is bad" that really upsets me. I always say, I'm not forcing anyone to read this! Don't read if you don't like! But I'm getting tired of repeating it.

5. Unoriginal
it's not even funny! There's so many god damn books that have this same plot, even more for "Ocean Eyes", so why did mine blow up??? I don't deserve it! There's so many other great books out there with actual interesting plots! Mine isn't one of them.

I can go on...


I'm not saying I'm leaving this book forever! I might come back to it, I might not.

It just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. I just... don't really like DBH anymore. I've fallen out of the fandom and I don't see me getting back into it.


If you guys really enjoy this book, I'll continue it! It might not be consistent updates, but I'll update it! Even if only one person really looks forward to a chapter.. I'll update it.

But right now. I really just don't feel like continuing it.

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