10• The Start

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"I wanna live a life from a new perspective"

Y/N's POV:

I need to leave now! I know I'm okay! I don't need to stay here for another week....maybe...

Everyone time I try to stand, that headache comes back....who am I kidding? There's no way I'm leaving this hospital right now.

Luckily I got my phone back, so it isn't completely boring here.

Connor was able to message me when he was re-built. He said he's fine but he lost small bits of memory. Although they aren't really important memories anyway.

He and Hank are still trying to locate Cameron. He's gone completely missing, no traces or anything, they've checked his info at CyberLife yet....it was as if he was never even built in the first place.

He's trying really hard to get out of here.

Connor also told me that Lance is safe and sound with Markus and North, although I have been told that Lance seemed a little more... stubborn than he used to be. I'm sure North is behind that one.

I've also been told I only need a few more days, then I can get out of here!

There's a knock on the door before it opens, a nurse comes in. "Good evening Y/N, there's guests here for you." She says.

Guests? But Connor and Hank are currently on a investigation, Lance is at school, and I know Markus and North should be working right now.

"Guests?" I ask. "Yes, their names are Lilith Falkov, Luna Horwitz, and Jonathan Castro." the nurse looks at her sheet of paper.

(These are the characters the winners brought in btw. Also, I'll try to get their appearance and personality as best as I can)

I've never heard those names before, but it wouldn't hurt to let them in. They probably got the wrong name or something anyway. "Let them in." I say.

The nurse leaves and a few minutes later, three people I've never seen walk in.

"You're Y/N L/N right?" One of them asks. "Uhm, yes." I say. "Good"

The three look at each other for a moment before one of them steps up. "My name is Lilith, that's Luna and that's Jonathan." The woman approaches me.

I take a good look at all their appearances.

Lilith was pretty short, I'd say around 5'1, she had an hour glass figure as well.  She had long white hair that went down to her mid back, her eyes were a deep colour of red, and she had fair skin. She was also wearing glasses.

Luna was also fairly short. She had short messy black hair that went to her shoulders, her eyes were a blueish grey colour, and her skin was pretty light.

Jonathan was the tallest. He was skinny but was definitely muscular, he had short brown hair, brown eyes, had a freckled face, and was white.

"So what do you want with me?" I ask. "We're working on.... something, and we think you'd be perfect with us." Lilith says. "What's 'something' exactly?" I ask.

They all look at each other, as if they're hesitant to tell me. Jonathan steps up beside me. "We've found something that only the higher ups, as in government or FBI, have been hiding from the public." Jonathan takes out a tablet and hands it to me.

I look through all the files, each one about android on human violence.

"There's been more Android on human violence in the past weeks than there have been human on human violence in the past month." Jonathan says.

Luna steps up beside Lilith. "We're not saying it's going to be an all out war like the last one, but this has never happened before, it's been years since so much violence from androids have happened." Luna says.

The more I look through these files, the more suspicious I get, of the group of these people, and exactly what group of androids are doing this.

Buildings being torn and burned down, people being killed or tortured. I could go on about this. It seems the higher ups are just saying it's been caused by other people....it's all a lie. The only news the public has been told was of that dress store burning down, and that it was caused by androids.

I'm so confused right now!

I hand the tablet back over to Jonathan. "So, you want me to join you? And what exactly are we going to do?" I ask. "With this information we can warn the public, but we need proof that this is real information." Jonathan says.

"Which is why we asked you. You were almost killed by your Android boyfriend right? Plus we looked into your files and you used to be a top police investigator, then moved to Canada and then moved back here after a couple of years." Lilith says.

"How did you get my files?" I ask. "We all have our special talents." Luna shrugs. "So you just need me for proof?" I ask.

Lilith sighs heavily. "Listen, it's a yes or a no. You're either going to help us share this information around or not, just answer the question." She says, clearly fed up with all the questions I have. I can't help it though, I can't just join a group of strangers without knowing exactly what my job is.

"What she means is, we'll explain all the details to you if you join us, it'd be too dangerous to give you all the details, have you not join us, and risk you telling someone." Luna says. "So basically I have no choice." I say.

"Exactly," Jonathan smiles. I sigh and look down.

"Fine, I'll join you guys in whatever you're doing. But I can't help right away, only a few more days in here before I can get out." I say. "We're already aware of that. Here's each of our numbers, text one of us when you get out." Lilith hands me a piece of paper with numbers on them, and the names beside them.

"We should get going now, it was nice meeting you." Lilith says. "You too, I guess." I say.

The three walk out of the room. I look at the paper and add each of their phone numbers to my contacts.

The realization hits me, what have I just done?

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