6• Why Her?

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"Why would a fellow want a girl like her?"

Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure Cameron?!" I ask. "I can't find anything! It's the truth!" Cameron says. My mind races at so many thoughts, his tracker wasn't even traced...

"We need to search for him! I'm sure an android knows where he went!" I say. "Cameron I'll need you with me" I add.

"What about Lance?" Cameron asks. "We'll just have to let Hank watch him" I say. "Lance, we'll back, okay?" I say.

I grab Cameron's arm and pull him outside.

Alright... someone or an android had to of known where he went.

Let's start in the city, the most people are around there anyway.


We make it into the city, it's more crowded than before, androids and people everywhere. I see a nearby store, there's cameras... it'll be weird, but I'll tell them it's for a missing android.

"This way" I pull Cameron inside the store. It's a... dress store? I just need to check the camera!

I go up to the counter. "Hi, how can I help you today?" The android asks. "We're looking for a missing android, we noticed the cameras outside your store and was wondering if we could check them" I say.

I see the android look at Cameron, almost as if she completely ignored what I said. I look around the store, it's only female androids here... well, it is a dress store after all.

"Excuse me?" I ask. She looks back toward me. "So can we?" I ask. The android looks me up and down, then back at Cameron. What's going on?

"Are you two dating?" The android asks. "What? What kind of question is that? We just want to check the cameras!" I say, getting more confused. "Answer my question first" she says.

I look around the store. Now all the androids are staring at us. "Cameron, let's leave, there's other stores around anyway" I grab Cameron's arm but the android stops me.

"You can check our cameras" she says. I turn around and let go of Cameron's arm. I don't feel safe here... but it's for Connor.

"Right this way" I follow the android to the back, Cameron following. "He can wait out here" she says. "No, he has to check too" I say. "Either him or you come in here" she says. I look to Cameron.

"You go" he says. I feel worried leaving him, I don't even feel a bit safe here. Androids have emotion, they don't know how to control them... and these androids seem jealous that I'm with Cameron.

I follow the android into the back, looking at the cameras.

Cameron's POV:

Y/N goes to check the cameras. She's really anxious, I don't blame her though, I am too.

All these androids have been staring at me, I don't even feel safe here, but if Y/N wants to get back Connor that bad, then I'll help with anything.

I lean on the wall, waiting for Y/N.

Two female androids approach me, both smiling. "Hello" they both say. "Hey" I say.

"So, are you dating her?" One of them asks. "Yea" I say. I'm not interested in giving them long answers, I'm not interested in them at all actually.

"Why her?" The other asks. "What?" I ask, confused. "You know, she's a human, plus... she isn't a beautiful or as perfect as us" the android says, seeming to get more and more seductive.

"She isn't fake like you two" I say. "But you're fake" one says. "I'm aware" I say.

"Well... don't you at least want to spend some time with us?" The other asks. I take a good look at both of the androids. "Why would I bother wasting my time on you two?" I ask.

They both looked offended. Whoops?

They both turn around, I see them go to a bigger group of androids. They begin to talk and occasionally look toward me. What?

3rd Persons POV:

The group of androids talked while Cameron stood confused, and Y/N was checking the cameras for traces of Connor.

"Why doesn't he like us? Every guy that comes in here likes us!"

"She's not even that pretty! She just has perfect hair, her cheeks are a pretty shade of pink, she's as graceful as a bird... and she seems so lovely..."

"We're just as pretty as she is! If anything we're better!"

"Why would someone like him, want a girl like... her? She's so unusual!"

"I don't understand why he seems so crazy over her! She's just a human! Won't she eventually pass on to become useless skeleton?"

"Hey, we should speed that process up! He clearly doesn't understand how perfect we are! We need to take her away..."

The group of androids look toward the back room where Y/N was. They take a look toward Cameron.

They all felt soft whenever they looked at him, he was perfect. They just needed to get rid of the one flaw around him, Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

I reverse the clip... is that-

It's Connor! It's pouring rain, his LED has gone red as well. What happened?

I watch where he goes, hoping to get the next clue of where he is.

I watch as he enters the nearby android store, the camera can't catch anything else since Connor has gone out of frame. The android store! Duh! Why didn't I just check there?!

I open the door and walk out. "There you are, did you find him?" Cameron asks. "Well no... but I have another clue of where he went!" I smile.

I see Cameron smile. "Great! It feels so empty without Connor honestly, the faster the better" Cameron says. I grab Cameron's hand and smiles. "Let's go then!" I smile and pull him outside to the android store.

When I exited, I felt the eyes of those androids girls on me... weird.

(I didn't put these jealous group of android girls in for no reason, they actually help in the plot. Wow, I actually did something... good???)

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