❤21.Happy Birthday, Drew.

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This is the second chapter of a double update because I love you,but please don't forget to COMMENT&VOTE on BOTH!!


~November 20th~

The time flied by amazingly since Niall's birthday. Everything was so peaceful and everyone was doing perfectly fine. Especially my son. His eight month belly was not-so-small and he was ready to pop anytime now. Justin had been on Niall's side at everything he needed. Drew had started not only understanding every word or every situation ,but that he would be a big brother.You can't even imagine how overprotective he was of Niall and his little sister.He was also starting school (daycare) after December since a new one opened here. It was late but Niall managed to put him in.

Today was our second grandchild's ,aka Drew's,birthday. We were currently all inside our house , enjoying the warmth of the fireplace (it was the nearly the end of November and the cold and the snow were proving it just right) and singing happy birthday songs for Drew. He was clapping his hands and talking to everyone about literally everything.He had just now finished saying about his little sister at Niall's brother,Greg.

"Okay,Drew?How about you go with Theo in the toy room?" Niall suggested and Drew took Theo's tiny hand and guided him towards the play room.Zayn stood up and followed ,not trusting a three year old with an only one year old alone.Niall was sitting on the armchair and Justin was kneeled in front of him whispering small things to his daughter. Niall's face was pricelessly lightened up. I was so happy seeing my baby boy all grown up with his soon-to-be husband.I couldn't wait for the wedding,which was settled for January,when Niall would have lost all the extra weight from the pregnancy.I was so excited and so was everyone else.Except Darren. He was a bit jealous of them but never tried hitting on Niall.

"What are you thinking ,mum?" Niall interrupted my thoughts and I smiled widely at him.

"How much I love you ,honey..." I said and got up to kiss his forehead.

"Aww I love you too,mum!" He chuckled and I patted Justin's shoulder.

"Thank you for making him happy,Justin.I love you."

"Thank you for making him I guess? And I love you too." He stood up and hugged me while Drew came running out of the room.

"Daddy, I killed Woody!I'm a bad guy!" He cutely shouted holding a capitated Woody from Toy Story doll and Niall bursted out laughing.

" Why did you do that ,bud?"Justin asked picking him up.

" 'Cause Theo like it and I make him laugh." He stated pouting as he thought that Justin was going to lecture him.

"You are amazing ,buddy" He kissed his nose making him scrunched it up adorably.

"I know!" Drew kisses his daddy's cheek and then kicked his legs to Justin's stomach for him to let him down.

"Can we cut the cake? I'm hungry..." Niall mumbled shyly and Drew started jumping on his feet.

"Yay!Cake!Daddy come!We cut cake!" He yelled taking Justin's hand and dragged him to the kitchen.

"Thank you for that ,babe!"Justin shouted to Niall and he blushed.

Niall's POV

I couldn't believe that my baby had grown up so much. It was like yesterday that Liam was driving me to the hospital when Drew was coming. It was like yesterday he started teething,he started walking and called me for the first time 'daddy'.'It's incredible how fast the years can go by' I said mentally and smiled lovingly at my fiance who was carrying the huge banana and chocolate birthday cake. I licked my lips and stood up,picked up Drew and brought him to blew off the candles. After he managed it, with the help of me and Justin as well , he took a fingerfull of cake and ate it ,making his face like a mess.I kissed his chubby cheek with tearful eyes and Justin placed the cake onto the coffee table to mimick my actions.My mother ,then took over and I went to rest while everyone else continued partying. I lied down at my childhood room's bed and stared at the ceiling for a while,rubbing my stomach gently. How could I be so lucky? I had everyone I'd ever wanted,my family,friends,son,soon-to-be-husband and most of all my daughter on the way. Valeria. I looked down at my huge stomach and grinned to myself. I was carrying another baby and I was twenty one for only a month.That worried me,but as long as I had Justin with me ,I pushed the negative thoughts away.

"Nialler? Are you awake?"Justin whispered opening slowly the door.He couldn't see me since I had turned to my side with my back facing him.

"Yeah ,come in."I mumbled and then felt two strong arm around me from behind.

"Why don't you get some sleep? You need it."

"I don't want to. I prefer you being here with me."I said and turned around to snuggle into his warm chest.

"I can't wait 'till our baby comes..." I went to coo but what he said next made me laugh so hard and roll onto my back."I can't fucking cuddle you properly. I love my baby but I love my fiance too and I will cuddle him to death when this belly is out of the way."

"Jerk" I playfully glared at him and he sat up and straddled my legs.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You are a jerk. I'm not that big!" I exclaimed and he pushed my sweater up,exposing my belly.

"No you are not,but still." He pouted and leaned down to kiss the place just above my navel,making me giggle.

"Can you get your butt off me?"I laughed and he lied again beside me.

"Daddy?" We heard a small voice coming from behind the door and I knew that Drew was about to cry.Justin must had the same feeling because he shot up and went to open the door for Drew.He took his hand and brought him into the room,closing the door behind him.Our son kept pouting and Justin placed him on the bed.

"What happened, bud?" I asked kindly and I pulled him closer by his ankles.

" Nana said I not play with Theo.Theo and Uncle G left and I alone 'cause you and daddy 'ustin up here." He explained waving his hands in front of him to emphasize a few words.

"You can play with us now you are up here too,can't you?" I asked earning a nod of approval from Drew."...and by the way,how did you come upstairs?"

"I big boy!" He smiled and Justin can to sit beside me ,resting his back on the headboard and placing Drew on his lap.

"Indeed you are.Did you enjoyed the party and the cake?" Justin cooed and Drew leaned on his chest.

"Yes and I sleepy now..."Drew yawned.

"I guess we have to go home now..."I smiled getting up from the bed and Justin followed right after me.

Heyyyy!!!This is the second chapter and it's dedicated to @SmexyCrazyMofos for suggesting the name of the baby (in the previous chap).I Love You and just so you know I ADORED the name from the start. Thank You again!You're my motivation for every chapter like everyone else who COMMENTS&VOTES so please DO it <3

It means so much to me even if you just tell me that you don't like a chapter. I want to know what your opinion is ,even if it is strict.

Next Update:6 comments/25 votes on each chapter?That would be great!
I love you all!!

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