❤25.Meet Valeria Anne Horan Bieber

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Justin's POV

I couldn't feel anything.I was staring at the blank wall in front of me while waiting for Liam to tell me anything new.Valeria was born and healthy.The nurses were feeding her right now ,while her other father was fighting for his life.Liam's assistant,whose name, I had learned, was Jordan, told me that since Niall was a male,his heart couldn't withstand the pressure and stopped.He also explained to me that Drew was born with c-section and it was planned all along,that's why he was so scared now.That was all last night.Today was Thursday and Niall was still unconscious ,with a steady but slow heartbeat.I didn't know what I would do if I lost him.Sure,I would have Drew and Valeria,but my life without Niall would be incomplete.Maybe this was my punishment for leaving him.Maybe he would left me too.Payback.I was not thinking clearly.I had to be strong for our kids and for Niall.

"Mr.Bieber?" Jordan finally called my name from Niall's room and I ran to him.I tried to look inside but Liam was blocking my view.

"Is he alive?"

"He is,Mr.Bieber.Don't worry.His heart is weak but he will make it.It's not unusual and it happens a lot."I took a huge breath I didn't know I was holding in and nodded.

"Thank you and please,call me Justin.I'm not that old." I insisted and he laughed nodding and entering Niall's room ,once again leaving me alone.I had texted our parents and the lads an hour ago,but it was only six in the morning and no one of them would be up so early.As if on cue my phone rang.

"Is he okay?" I heard Louis shouting and a few cursing words from another man before I could reply.

"That's what they told me.Come here and get Liam to tell you,please." And that's what he did. He appeared in the hospital (wearing his pajamas, Finding Memo themed,which was hilarious to be honest) and dragged Liam out of the room. Louis was crying and Liam hugged him to sooth him.

"He's okay ,babe.Why are you crying?" Liam asked wiping his tears.

"For Niall. I was so worried." He sniffed and hid his face into Liam's neck.

"What else did you do,Lou?"

"I broke your car."Louis mumbled and I bursted out laughing for the first time in the past hours.


"I was trying to get here as fast as possible and there was a bastard that kept swearing at me for parking close to the entrance of his house,so I just left but took another car's mirror with me and broke yours." Louis finally explained and Liam chuckled.

"That's not that bad,but next time you'll have to walk." He said and Louis giggled.

"Okay,enough. Can I know now what my fiance's problem is?"I cut them off.

"I'm sure Jordan told you,Justin.He is fine.Would you like to see your daughter,though?" Liam asked like the serious doctor he was.

"Of course." I smiled and turned around to walk where Liam gestured me to go.I pretended that I didn't see Liam groping Louis' bum,but the blush on Louis cheeks after that made me comment on it.

"You are in your husband's work.Jesus."I teased making him blush even more.The room they hold the babies soon came into our view and Liam opened the door pointing at a small pink ball in the corner.

"This is your daughter."He said holding Louis back from his waist and I heard him whisper something like 'He is the father,let him hold her first.'. I picked my baby girl up and bounced her slightly to stop her whimpering.

"She is 5.8 pounds (2.6kg) and she will be able to leave the hospital when she hits 6 pounds. I believe until the end of the week you will have her at home." Liam informed me and I smiled.

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