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I don't remember the ground giving in. I don't remember falling. All I remember is being in this underground cavern.

"You Ok?"

The voice is Sunday's. He looks over at me. He's one of those boy next door kind of guys. My best friends used to talk the most shit about him. The Michaels. Michael Austin and Michael Power. They stopped though. That's because Sunday grew up with Iggy who probably would beat their asses if they found out what they were saying. My best friend Michael Power knew Sunday was gay before he even came out. Power said he got gay because he couldn't pull any bitches. That's Power for you. He's blunt. He says it how it is. He doesn't hold any punches. It makes me laugh but honestly, I have to admit that I don't agree with Power. Not in this situation.

Sunday was attractive. No homo, though.

I guess. No homo.

Honestly, at this point, I don't even know.

"I'm fine. You were the one who got bit. Are you OK?"

The cave we are in is dark. We can't see a damn thing but each other because where we are is a little light coming through. I am studying his face for some weird reason. I don't know why. I can't help myself. He has one dimple on his right cheek that comes out no matter what facial expression he is making. He has this black hair that he doesn't really line up like the rest of the guys.

He sighs, pressing his hand on his bite wound, "What the hell was that about? Did you see that guy? It was almost like...he was dead or something."

"I hear bath salts got people tripping down in Florida."

"Those weren't bath salts."

"You sure? Michael Powers says he took some bath salts one time. Oh man. He was telling me he was running butt naked in the middle of a highway. Says he was tripping the fuck out. Real shit. Can you imagine? That guy is on bath salts. I'm telling you."

"Michael Powers is a fuckin' idiot," Sunday says.

I think about it for a minute.

I laugh.

"Yeah. You might be right," I respond.

We get quiet. The cave is dark. Whatever the stranger was on that bit Sunday definitely scared the living shit out of me. I'm not going to let Sunday know that though.

"We should chill out. It's too dark to try to get out of here alone. I'm sure help will be on the way soon," he says, "Just hope this stops bleeding soon."


I don't know what I'm thinking when I do it but it is second nature. I pull off my shirt and hand it to him. He doesn't take it immediately. Sunday just looks at the shirt.


"It's clean," I tell him, "I promise."

I offer the shirt again. Then I realize that he isn't looking at the shirt. He's staring at my abs. Seeing how Sunday's eyes line my eyes up I'm glad that I do about 500 crunches before bed every night. Watching his reaction I can tell the hard work definitely has paid off.

He finally does take it.

And things get quiet. He looks away from me. We sit there in silence for a while.

One hour. Two hours. I get antsy and start walking around trying to find a way out of here but it's way too dark and it's only getting darker.

I sit back down. My arm is not too far away from Sunday. No point in just sitting in silence. I might as well break the ice and get to know the guy.

Semester of the Dead MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now