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I have soil in my crotch. Soil in my fucking ears. Soil every fucking where. EVERY. FUCKING. WHERE. And that's the mood I'm in. A little girl is dead. It's the same little girl that was with that group. The people who shot me in my heart.

Somehow I'm alive.

And somehow...she's dead.

"You're all going to pay for this," the muscular boy says, "You killed Quincy's daughter."

The man named Quincy is crying. He's holding his daughter close and reaching for his weapon with his next hand. He looks maddened at this point. A crazed lunatic. His group's actions are immediate. They put guns up. My heart starts beating fast. My heart. It's beating. It's a weird concept. I don't know how it happens but I'm alive somehow but right now all that is being threatened.

I look at my friends. All these people I care about. Mitch, my best friend. Ignacio and Valentina were like family. And even the new people like Luna and Quest.

Then there's Alaric.

He's sitting there looking brave with his hands to the sky.

"Beric let them go," Alaric begs the most muscular boy among the other group.

He knows him. It's clear. Looking at them now I recognize him. I've seen him on television before. It's Alaric's brother. The other one who shot me was his brother two. Beric and Nixon West. I don't know how I didn't realize that before. Maybe it was just fear. Maybe I just wasn't thinking. Now I remember their faces pretty well though. his brother.

"They killed a little girl."

"It was an accident."

"It's your fault," a voice says, "You shouldn't have brought her around in the first place. She was never safe. Not when she stole our gun and not here. Her death isn't on me. It's on all of you."

I can't believe what I'm hearing and when I turn and see that Luna is saying these words it's even more provoking. I think someone tells her to shut the hell up. I think it's Valentina but there is chorus of outrage all at the same time and it's too late. She said them. And I know there is no repairing what happened. There is a divide between these two groups and I have the feeling not everyone is going to make it out of here alive.

I think someone else has that feeling too because all of a sudden something happens.

A gun is pointed at Quincy.

"Put your gun down."

The person who points the gun is the same boy who shot me. Nixon.

"What are you doing?" Beric asks him.

"He's betraying us," Quincy nods, "That's what he's doing."

With Quincy threatened the group is rethinking their strategy.

"We're going to leave and walk out of here. You're not going to follow us. Take their guns. All of them. We're getting out of here."


Being around Nixon West is weird. Being alive is weird. Having just seen a little girl get shot is horrible. Things are changing so fast around me and I don't know how to react to it. I don't know how to react to any of it. I don't know how we end up back at my house. All their stuff is there. Unfortunately for me, I don't have anything. I think Nixon brings us there. Everything that happens is such a daze from that point on. To the conversation that Mitch is having with me asking me how I'm alive and where I've been, to Valentina attempting to give me something to eat like she's my mother, to Ignacio asking me a million times if I'm OK.

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