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I'm in a wheelchair. It's been 2 days. 2 fucking days of tests. The procedures they do on me I don't remember, but I know I always wake up feeling weak. I don't really get to see my friends. The only people that they let me see are the doctors. Dr. Simon is the nicest. She's the one who they let me spend the most time with. Dr. Serrano comes to check on me from time to time. Everyone here respects her, but I always look at her the same way I looked at her back in Savannah. She was Mrs. Serrano to me.

She gives me her warm smile, the same smile that used to always come over to check on me and my mother. She always wanted some of my mother's famous baking and she would always ask me how I was doing. She'd always make sure I was doing well.

"How you doing baby?" she asks me.

"Ok, Mrs. Serrano. Just a little weak," I tell her.

"You're a trooper."

"I'm trying to be," I tell her, "If this can help people I'll do it. You know. I just want to be able to help people. That's all."

I feel guilty that my blood did this. I wish I knew I was so important back then. I wish I knew so I could have taken better care of myself. Maybe I would have worked out more. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so weak today.

"You're a good person," she tells me, "You know that don't you?"

I smile at the thought, "I try to be, Mrs. Serrano. Mom always said help where you can. So I'm being as patient. You guys are the real heroes though. Are you guys almost done finding what you are looking for?"

"Almost. Sorry it took so long. It's a very delicate procedure. Tomorrow is the last day of the procedure. ."

Great. I was glad. I could barely walk. My body hurt all over. It wasn't just that they were drawing blood. It's that they had to inject me with all these drugs before they did it. It was all a bit much but I keep thinking it's for the better good.

Then she looks at me and smiles, "How about today be the day you go see your friends?"

"Seriously?" I ask, "I miss them so much."

"Yeah. I'm sure they miss you too."

I missed everyone. All of them. There was one person that I missed most of all. Maybe that's why I'm smiling when my escort starts wheeling me out of the building. Yeah, I have an escort now. It's not just one or two people either. I have 24 guards with me. 24. It's sort of astounding to say the least. At the front of it was Dr. Serrano. She's wheeling me out. I sort of feel special. I wonder if it looks cool.

I wonder if Alaric is going to think I'm cool.

"Oh shit...look who it is!" Quest states.

The group is sitting around outside. I hear Quest going in a tent and a few minutes later all my friends come out. I'm relieved to see all of them even though the escorts don't let them near me until Dr. Serrano says it's all right.

"We'll be close by," Dr. Serrano tells me.

It's nice they are allowing me to get some privacy with my friends. In a matter of minutes Mitch is bear hugging me in my wheel chair.

"Why are you in that?" he asks me, "Why can't you walk?"

"I can walk. It's just for...precaution," I tell him.

I don't want him to worry. Truth is it's getting more and more difficult to walk. My energy is so far down. The food they give me isn't really helping either. The others seem to not really believe I'm ok. It might be my imagination but I'm pretty sure Valentina is completely ignoring me. She doesn't run over like the others. She keeps her distance away from me.

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