Chapter 20

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Grace's POV

I was shaking, if they were right and Mel was my enemy then I wouldn't even know what to do. She's been there for me for so long. How could she betray me? I ordered a hot chocolate and a hot turkey sandwich. Things felt cold, between my life and the outside world, I needed something to warm me up. 

Waiting I glance around the diner and tap my fingers watching the families enjoying life, love and happiness. It reminded me of the days when my father was around, he always made sure I was smothered in his and my mothers love. Not a day goes by that I question their love for me, because they made sure I knew, they showed me with every breath they took. I want that for this baby, I want this baby to never question my love for it, the circumstances surrounding the beginning may have been and will always be hard, but I already feel the love for this baby growing. 

"Lost in thought?" A voice says next to my ear startling me, jumping slightly I look up to see Mel standing there with... Shane?

"What... Mel? What's going on?" I start to scoot further into the booth trying to escape them. What is she thinking? They were telling the truth... A gasp leaves my throat as Shane snatches my wrist into his grasp and pulls me out of the booth and into his chest, my back slams hard against his chest making me shake more. I go to scream only stopping when I feel something sharp poking my back.

Mel looks at me with venom in her eyes and leans in close to my face, her lips come up next to my ear and a shiver runs down my spine as fear yanks on my heart. "I wouldn't do anything stupid if I were you. We're going to walk out of here and your going to come willingly without making a scene or Shane will gut you like a fish. Got it?" 

Sucking in my bottom lip to keep it from quivering I look up to Mel with glassy eyes as I see the hatred burning bright in her now stormy blue eyes. How was she able to hide such hatred for me for so long? Nodding my head she smiles a wicked smile, one with malice and anger gracing the corners just barely. I try to stop it, but a tear escapes and slides down my right cheek, she reaches out and wipes the tear off my face in a harsh manner. 

"Let's go Shane." Mel says as she turns and begins to head towards the exit with Shane and I following behind. 

Once we exit they guide me to a dirty worn on the verge of death looking creeper van. You know those vans that you just know the owner is probably some creepy guy who might kidnap children with the van. That's what it looked like, except they were kidnapping me and not some child. They open the back door and throw me in the back, once I'm in they shut the doors and I hear the lock click in place making my skin crawl. What do they have planned for me? I really regret every calling Mel, I should have just listened to Spencer, met with him and Logan first, get the details and information first. Now.... Now I'm trapped with a couple lunatics it seems.

Spencer's POV

Once we arrive at the diner I glance around the room, but seem to come up empty handed. Sighing I glance around once more and decide to head over to a secluded booth, Logan trailing along behind me. 

"She's not here yet." We observe at the same time. Looking at Logan I sigh and just glance around the room, worry settling in my stomach. 

"Do you think it's weird?" Logan asks worry in his eyes. 

"I'm not sure yet. Let's just wait, maybe she needed a few more minutes." We sit and relax in the booth and soon I over hear a conversation that makes my ears perk up. 

"I can't believe she'd do that, order a drink and food then walk out before I even get back. The wait wasn't that long Greg." I glance over to the counter to see a waitress talking with what appears to be a manager. 

"Well Ariel, It's not uncommon for people to ditch these days, they don't have respect for the working class man." The man says shaking his head. 

I look over to Logan who seems to be thinking the same thing as me. We both exit the booth and walk  over to the waitress and manager to talk with them. 

"Excuse me?" They both glance up to me with questions in their eyes. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. You said a girl left before getting her drink and food?"

"Yes? The lady came in and sat in the corner booth over there, she ordered a hot chocolate and hot turkey sandwich and not even 10 minutes later she was leaving with another woman and a male." My heart started pounding in my chest at the words. Had she called Mel? If she did call Mel who did she bring with her? I glance over to Logan to get his opinion. 

"Shane." Is the only word he says before I start sprinting to the door. I need to get to the station, we need to get cops out looking for them. Logan is trailing behind me and we are both on the same thought process. Mel and Shane aren't just having a chat with Grace, they grabbed her for a reason, I'm just not sure what. 

Once we get in the truck we head to the station to talk with the Captain, we need to figure out where they are taking Grace, and we need to get Grace back as soon as possible. 

"Captain, they have her." I shout as soon as I open his door, Logan slides in the room behind me and takes a seat on the couch and rubs his leg as he huffs from over exerting himself. 

"What do you mean Son?"

"We went to meet with Grace, she answered finally and agreed to meet. Apparently she called and asked to meet with Mel as well. Mel and Shane took off with Grace." 

The Captain sighs and rubs his head in thought. "Alright, let's not be too hasty, we need to be careful, they may do something to her if we act irrational. Let's figure out where and if Shane or Mel has any property or if their family has any property. Let's also figure out what vehicle they are driving and get a lookout for it. Get as many men on this as you can." 

Nodding my head we head out and start dispatching officers on the tasks to get them searching for the culprits. My chest hurts with fear, anger and worry as I think of all the possible scenarios that can take place. I pray they don't lay a hand on her. 

What do you think is going to happen? 

Why do you think Mel and Shane took Grace? 

Let me know what you think :)

1,191 words :)

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