I am so confuesd

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So I have been getting many comments asking what a courtship is and it's a little hard to explain so I thought I would break out Mr. Google and here is how it was explained, so I hope it makes sense!

~ "courtship. A courtship is a period in a romantic couple's relationship when they are dating. Most partners go through a courtship before deciding to get married. ... The word is indeed old-fashioned, from the 16th century when it meant "paying court to a woman with intention of marriage."

                                               ~ Google

I just wanted to warn everyone I made this book a long time ago and my grammar is truly terrible! I hope y'all can forgive my cringe worthy book.

Enjoy whatever this is?


"Anne. Anne!"called out Diana as the one and only Anne-Shirley Cuthbert made her way to the school house doors.
"Anne!" she cried once more.
She was starting to get tired of calling after her, problematic, yet beloved friend.

"Yes Diana" Anne sighed rolling her blue eyes,
Similar to Diana she was also getting tired of Diana calling after her, she simply wanted to get to school.

"Is something troubling you?" She question catching up to Anne when she slowed down, " this is different from your angry and Marilla face, it's more... disdained."
Diana was very confused and concerned for her friend, this had never happened before, of course she had been irritated but every time it happens she would always discuss the issue with her, this time all she did was mumble a few words about not wanting to be late for school.

"Now that's absurd!" Argued Anne, "I don't have an angry at Marilla face and I am simply not angry, I quite frankly would just like to get to school."

"I know what it is" sighed Diana linking her arm with Anne's, "that's your angry at Gilbert face. Did he write something bad in his letter? I didn't know you wrote another one."
"What no Diana he left Avonlea two years ago, once I realized he wasn't coming back, I decided to cease the letters. There was no use for an exchange of news when he wasn't planning on coming back to any of it."
"You never know Anne." The brunette smiled softly trying to comfort her friend, "But even if he does, I'm sorry that he made you feel this way, I'm sure you really miss him." The brunette said giving Anne a knowing stare.
"Diana everyone missed him. Its a normal reaction. Its not like I had feelings for the boy, I simply enjoyed our rivalry." Anne laughed in frustration " we were only friends maybe even less than that. Besides I'm in a relationship remember"

"Trust me I remember, to be brutally honest I would rather Gilbert was with you."

"I'm sorry Anne! But a year ago you would have agreed." Diana argued.
"we should go inside." Anne muttered, avoiding her friends words. She was happy in her current relationship, at least she thought she was. Besides she was finally able to realize being the bride to adventure wasn't enough. She had to come to reality eventually, right?

Anne opened the door, and hung her hat up, along with her jacket, in the designated coat room. Once finished she sat down at her desk Diana following and sitting behind in her assigned seat.
"Anne." Someone spoke, surprising Anne and Diana.
"Oh my..." Diana began

"Gilbert Blythe." Anne managed to speak, her legs becoming weak, she mentally thanked herself for sitting down before this surprise. Anne looked behind her towards Diana as if looking for a sign that this wasn't real and that her eyes were playing tricks on her. That the boy in front of her, her pen pal, her forever rival, her long lost friend, had come back to Avonlea.

As class went on Anne couldn't help but feel any less awkward as Gilbert was just behind her. The class ended up having to mix up the seating because of the new teacher. Her name was miss Stacey, and she felt it was not fair that the students could mock the different gender and laugh with one another on the other side of the room. So she decided that she would make them sit with one another it was awkward at first but it got better.
Anne despised her desk partner at first but then ended up developing a relationship with him. Out of all the things ether of them expected, was to ending up courting one another was not what they had originally expected.

"Class dismissed" Anne shot up, ignoring her partners calls, and left the school building, Diana following after her, only to find her sitting down at there own little spot by the pond.

The girls were in the middle of a conversation when Gilbert walked up with his signature golden apple.
Diana had waved him over making Anne almost push her into the pond. With a kind smile Gilbert sat in the open space Diana directed him to, he sat it between Anne and Diana.
"Hello Gilbert" smiled Diana
"Hello Diana, Anne" he smiled in return
Anne nodded politely looking away.
"How are you?" He asked
"Wonderful!" Spoke Diana

Most of the conversation was filled Diana and Gilbert's voices, while Anne would nod or shake her head, at most of the questions she would even let out a yes and or no. Most of the time Gilbert was trying to locate what Anne was keeping her gaze on.

He was confused at why Anne was basically ignoring him. Wondering if he was doing something wrong. They seemed in good terms when he last wrote to her, what changed?

Diana was starting to notice too. She sat there in silence pondering whether her next words would lead he to sudden death or if an would simply glare at her. Yet she knew it would've come out sooner or later either from her or someone else.

"So... Gilbert did Billy tell you?" She asked instantly she got a worrying glare from Anne. So far so good, Diana thought.
"No. What?"
"Really I figured he would be the first to tell you" Diana chuckled adjusting her gloves.
Gilbert gave her a look as if nudging her to continue, he was invested and wanted to know what was happening, maybe it had to do with Anne's mood.
"Diana" Anne warned.
"Anne and..."
"Diana!" She yelled
"He has to know Anne!"
"I don't want him to know"

"Anne. Either I tell him or Billy does eventually?"
" should I come back?" Gilbert tried to interrupt.
"Anne" Diana said softly.
"You know what fine tell him!" Anne groaned, getting up and going back into the school house
"What is going on!"
"I'm sorry you'll have to figure it out yourself" Diana apologized, getting up and leaving.
"If you were not supposed to tell me why on earth did you open it up to discussion?" Gilbert muttered under his breath.

After school Gilbert started heading back to his house when Billy jogged up to him.

Once Gilbert spotted him he internally groaned, he knew they would have to speak eventually, he just wished it would be after a couple of days.
"Hey Gilbert" Billy said preparing for the conversation to be awkward, he knew what was to come and it wasn't going to be pretty.
Gilbert kept silent hoping he would get the hint.
Sadly Billy ignored his silence and stoped Gilbert by standing in front of him.

"Look I know your mad at me for bullying Anne in the past but I really need to talk to you. You should know this."
Gilbert jesters for him to go on hoping this was about earlier

"Anne and I are courting"

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