crab and callaloo

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School had finally started back up in Avonlea leaving many kids in sadness well that is except for Ruby she very excited to see Gilbert Blythe. Anne had no idea how to tell Ruby that she was staying at his house.

She won't freak out though. Right?

"Anne, quit day dreaming and put on your coat"
Sighed Marrila cleaning up the plates from dinner and hading them to Bash to dry.

"Sorry Marrila I'll hurry" smiled Anne putting on her jacket.

"Hello everyone!"smiled Gilbert joyfully before looking at Anne" ready to go

"Anne what about Diana are you two not walking together." Asked Marrila

"Actually Diana is visiting with Cole I'm Charlotte town"

"Why didn't you go?"

"Didn't want to add train tickets to our stack of unpaid bills" smiled Anne sweetly

"Well thank you but best be getting off to school
Now" smiled Marrila walking over to Anne and Gilbert basically shoving them out the door

"So you end your courtship t with my brother just so you can run to Gilbert" scoffed Prissy

"That's not what happened"Anne defended herself. Walking with Gilbert was definitely a mistake.
It had caused a huge out break at school. Ruby was crying on josie, Prissy was scolding Anne while the Boys were asking Gilbert questions. Billy made sure to keep quite though

"What is going on over here?"Asked moody

"Anne left my brother for Gilbert, she broke his heart!" Prissy said yelling at Anne

"ENOUGH!" Yelled a strong voice
"Anne would never do do that she is a kind hearted person and I don't know if you guys forgot
But she is also a human! So cut it out and sit down!"

"But she broke..." Prissy said try to explain

"Oh and what is going on with that? Anne never broke my heart if anything I broke hers" Billy said sternly

Soon enough miss Stacey walked in making everyone sit down including the bickering siblings.

Class was the usual simple math question even people was starting to be normal but of course Anne was not paying attention at all of course Anne loved school but she couldn't help but let her imagination go wild.

Class had ended early due to the fact no one was paying attention . Anne was quite excited to go back to the house. Sebastian was teaching her how to make crab and  callaloo!

"Crab and callaloo is generally considered a national dish of Trinidad and Tobago; it is often prepared for Sunday lunch."

He told her once

( man I love Wikipedia)

Anne was so lost in her thoughts that she was still in class she had made her way to the coat room about to leave before she decided to walk up to Billy.

"Hello Billy"

"Hello" He said awkwardly

"I wanted to say thank you and well I'm sorry that walking with Gilbert Blythe caused so much of a quarrel"

"No don't apologize my sister was not thinking straight."

"I'm not very surprised. She was never found of me when we together" Anne smiled

"Yeah... where are you currently staying."

"Ready to go Anne." Asked Gilbert scanning Billy up and down with his eyes before looking back at Anne

"Oh. Blythe?"  He laughed

"Yeah." She nodded

"We better get going" smiled Anne "goodbye Billy". She said walking out the door waiting for Gilbert but before he could move Billy quickly stoped him and whispered in his ear

"Be a man. tell her how you feel" whispered Billy patting him on the shoulder and pushing him towards Anne "bye Anne"

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