One more adventure

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"It's absolutely beautiful! Gilbert!"  Smiled Anne looking up at the tree. It's official the time had finally come it was December 23rd  and Anne and Gilbert were placing all the candles onto the Christmas tree

"Do you think Marry will like it?" Asked Gilbert biting his lip worried for Marry's opinion. Mary was coming down for Christmas to spend time with everyone although Bash would be leaving with her so they could go back home together .Leaving Gilbert and the Cuthberts all alone.

" Marry will love it"smiled Anne placing her hand on Gilbert's left  shoulder this caused Gilbert to smile and place his right hand in hers both of them gazing at the tree.

"I still can't believe Bash is already leaving!" Gilbert said in shock

"They must really miss each other." Sighed Anne "Gilbert I can't imagine what it was like to be separated from someone you have fallen in love with for that dreadfully long of a time. I couldn't bear it. What about you Gilbert would you survive that much of a horrid torture"

"I believe so yes"

"Oh my Gilbert how is that humanly possible!"

"Well I suppose if that were to happen to someone they would be quite lucky." Gilbert explained receiving a curious look from Anne
"You would get to wake up every morning knowing that if someone  loved you enough for you to be gone for so long and you two are still married or together then I guess you truly have found true love" Gilbert spoke holding Anne's hands
In his both of there eyes latching on to one another.

Gilbert glanced down at her lips before he had started to lean in.

"I can't wait for Christmas Eve!" jumped Anne removing her hand from Gilberts. "so  much excitement and mystery!" She smiled backing away from Gilbert.

"mystery?' chuckled Gilbert awkwardly watching her skip around the room he loved how energetic Anne Shirley was.

"well of course!" Anne smiled stopping abruptly " its an absolute riddle not knowing whats under that brown paper! oh that reminds me" she giggled picking up a  box covered in a gift dressing and handing it to him.

"marry early Christmas"

"you didn't have to" chuckled Gilbert

"but I wanted to"

"thank you" he smiled walking over to the tree and placing next to the rest.

" Gilbert, Anne someone is outside for you too!" Shouted Marrila from the kitchen

Gilbert and Anne couldn't help but share the same confused look

"Oh another mystery" laughed Gilbert grabbing Anne's hand and jogging to the front door. He quickly opened the door for Anne their hands still connected

"Diana" Anne asked puzzled

Diana had brought a large horse drawn carriage clearly here for something or someone

"Hello Anne, Gilbert" she smile kindly
"Well come on there is a surprise awaiting us at school" she grinned ear to ear "and don't worry Marrila already approved this journey"
Anne had let go a big sigh of relief it would be ever so awkward for Marrila to Scold Anne in front of her new...well whatever her and Gilbert were?

"Ok" Gilbert said helping me up into the cart.
"Ready for an adventure?"


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