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"I dream of painting, and then I paint my dream

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"I dream of painting, and then
I paint my dream."
-Vincent Van Gogh


I stared at the canvas in awe finally starting my favorite part; her dress. The light sketches on the white canvas were all in place just as I drew them and they had to be perfect.

Glancing down I noticed the lack of yellow pigment on my palette. I looked around me, the other bodies of people focused on their own canvases while they shifted on their stools.

"Good job everyone, " she complimented,walking around the quiet room.

"Noona! Noona!" I shouted while the other people mumbled and groaned.

I hated when they talked about me.

"Yes Taehyung?" she walked up to me with a small smile. Her brown hair was messily thrown in a bun as her wide framed glasses covered her face.

"I'm simply out of yellow and I can not continue to paint my Emona without any yellow!" I was furious as I held the paintbrush in my grip.

"It's okay Taehyung," she comforted as she retrieved the yellow paint and poured it onto my pallet. "You use an abundance of yellow do you mind telling me why?"

She would always ask us questions about our art. She said it helps us to verbally express how we feel.

Stirring my thin paintbrush into the translucent water I took a deep breath.

"She was more luminous than sunlight itself; she was auroral... like yellow."

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