Chapter 1: The beginning

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 If you walked by the training room in the Schnee castle, you would probably hear a sounds of metal getting in contact with another metal.

"Your fencing skills have improved, Weiss" said Winter with a small smile.

"I'm still no match for you though, sis" smiled Weiss beck and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Her breath was heavy and she was exhausted. Winter, on the other hand, was perfectly fine. She put her rapier beck to its sheath and said. "That's enough for today. Let's go, it's already dinnertime."

It really was noon already, Weiss didn't noticed that. Dinner in the castle was silent. After Quinn's death it was like this, only Whitley sometimes said something like 'Weiss hand over the pepper please.' But today was a little different. When they were just starting to eat and there was a knock on the door. After king said his short 'Come in' one of the knights opened the door.

"Your highness!" He said. "Urgent news!" He waited till king nodded. It was a sine for him to continue. "It's about Red reaper," as he said that the king's expression changed into a more surprised one. The knight continued.

"He beated another dark organization. The one that was responsible for assassination attempt on Princess Winter many years ago."

"What!?!!" Jacques slam his palm to the table and stood up. "You're kidding me right?!! My elite knights weren't able to wipe them out!!"

"I...It's true, your highness." Said the knight a little worried.

"You are dismissed." Interfered Winter. "Good job."

The knight bowed and quickly disappeared from the dining room. Weiss looked at her father with questioning look and asked. "Father, what's going on?"

"How? How is that boy so strong?" Continued to mumble king under his nose.

"Father?" Asked Weiss again, this time more worried than confused.

Winter stood up and walked to her younger sister. She gently put her hand on Weiss' shoulder and said. "Let's go to your room. I'll explain everything."

Sisters went to younger one's room. Winter set on the bed and tapped the covers inviting her to seat as well. When Weiss was seating near her sister the elder girl spoke up. "It happened when you weren't born yet." Started to explain Winter looking away. "One day a dark organization named 'White fang' wanted to kill me." Weiss' face turned worried. "They failed, of course." Winter noticed that and hurried to calm her sister dawn. "Well, that's how I got this scar." She lifted her T-shirt. A large scar on her abdomen showed itself. "Anyways, father sent a group of elite knights to get rid of that organization. Those knights were Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, Raven Branwen, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Li Ren and Nora Valkyrie."

"That's all? 9 knights against a whole dark organization?!"

"No, of course not." Smiled Winter. "With them was an army from hundreds of skilled knights. But," elder sister stopped for a second before continuing, "that didn't save them. Every single one of those knights was killed. White fang is a really strong organization and I don't understand how Red reaper managed to defeat them all."

"He's an amazing fighter, isn't he?" Asked Weiss amazed.

"Indeed he is." Winter thought for a second and added "If all the silver eyed people weren't killed I would've suspect that Red reaper is one of them. But that's not possible." She looked at her younger sister and smiled. "It's getting late so you better go to sleep. I'll take my leave now." The white haired stood up and walked out of the room, but not before she said goodnight.

Weiss changed her armor to her pajamas and jumped on her bed. She had a small smile playing on her lips. 'Who is this Red reaper, I wonder.' She thought with excitement. But soon enough her eyes started to close slowly, as she went to kingdom of dreams.

A/N. This was the beginning of my new story. I know that it's a pretty boring chapter but it's the first one so I hope you liked it. I'll post the second one later today so wait! Please live your comment, I would love to read them, and hit the vote button. I will be really thankful if you start follow me as well. See 'ya everyone!!!

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