Chapter 4: The night befor

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"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Um, sure."

Flashback. Ruby's POV

"Aaahhh. Running on the rooftops at night is the best thing! How you feel the wind in your hair, just prefect sensation." I jumped up to the next rooftop and continued my run till I sow in a dark alley Roman standing near unconscious princess. He raised a sword which probably belonged to one of his man and was ready to cut princess' head. He smirked as the sword went closer to white haired' head, but I teleported in front of her and blocked the attack with my Crescent Rose. "At your old doings, I see, Torchwick." I said with a smirk.

"Long tame no see, Red." He took a step beck. "You really saved someone from royal family?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Maybe because they were the one who killed our dear White Rose" as he said those words his smirk became larger.

"I'll give you and your man 10 seconds to run" I said my eyes and tone full of hate and rage. "If anyone will be here after those seconds, I won't hesitate to kill them. Now go!!!"

"As you wish my little Ruby" Roman smiled and next second hi was gone.

I sighed and turned to princess. "Now to take care of you." I walked to her. As I put my scythe away I picked princess up, bride style and smiled. "She looks beautiful" I said to myself, picked her rapier and teleported home. When I laid her on my bed I walked to the corner of the room and placed her weapon there alongside with my Crescent Rose. I took off my cloak and the spell so I won't get tired soon. Zwei was looking at princess warred. "Don't wary Zwei. I'll take good care of her. Will you bring my beg with healing herbs for me, while I'm cleaning her wounds?" Corgi barked and ran out of the room. "Now to the hard part" I mumbled to myself. "Need to undress her."

After a while of 'working' princess was all bandaged up and was peacefully sleeping in my bed. Following night I didn't slept and was looking after her condition, which was slowly but surely getting better. I was starving and walked out of my room to the kitchen. There wasn't anything for me to eat. I groaned under my breath and went back to my room. I picked up my weapon and looked at princess. "I'll be back soon."

After that I went hunting to get some food for me to eat, and went back home. On the way back I heard some guards' conversation.

"Have you found her yet?" One of them asked.

"No. Princess Weiss is still missing, and in her sister's birthday."

'So that's her name, huh?' I thought. 'Better tell the king that his daughter is ok.' I put the spell beck and walked to the guards. "May I speak to you, gentlemen?" I said with my mail voice. Mean I steel can't get used to that.

"R...Red reaper?" Asked the first knight... scared? I wonder why?

"P...Princess is missing and the king ordered to find her as soon as possible" explained the second knight more calmly.

I smiled under my hood which wasn't left unnoticed by the two knights. "Then I shell talk to king myself." I added and started to walk towards the castle. When I was far enough from the knights I teleported to my destination. Near the gates another knight stopped me.

"Stand where you are!" He commended. I did as I was told. "What do you want!?" The man continued.

"I have really valuable information for the king." I explained calmly

"And what would that information be about?!"

"About princess Weiss."

Knight stayed silent for a second before stepping away and opening the gates. "Come in." He then looked at another knight and made a sign to him to escort me. We went straight to the ballroom. " Wait here." Said the knight and went to call the king. After a second they both came out. Winter was with them.

"I assume you know were my daughter is?" The king asked.

"How can't I? After all she's in my apartment as we speak." I smiled slightly.

"What have you done to my sister Red?!!" Barked at me Winter with threatening voice.

"Chill out will 'ya? I saved her from getting killed." I said raising my hands in my defense.

"Continue" said king.

"I was walking around the city at the evening yesterday, when I sow princess laying on the ground unconscious. Apparently she was attacked by someone. I went there to check on her, and there were 10 people in black. When they sow me they ran away. I took Weiss to my house and treated her wounds. That's all."

"When she will able to come back?" asked Winter this tame in calmer manner.

"I can assure you, when she wakes up I'll escort her to the castle. But she lost lots of blood so she'll wake up at the end of the day." I explained confident in my male voice.

"I see. I can't thank you enough for saving my daughter, Red rapper." He stretched his hand for me to shake, which I took in respect. "Would you like to become one of our knights?"

"Father!!!!" Said Winter surprised and scared. Seriously am I that scary?

"I am flattered by your offer, your majesty, but I must say no to that." I answered with small smile.

"Why, if I may ask?"

"Personal reasons. But if something happens you can always count on me!" I give thumbs up with big smile. I bowed and turned around. "Until we meet again, Jacques" I said with a quick wave and walked away. When I was out of the castle I teleported home. As I walked on Zwei ran to welcome me and together we went to my room were the princess was awake but pretending to be asleep.

A/N Hey guys! How was the chapter? I wrote it when I was on vacation with my family. Live your comment and vote!! I love reading your comments ^U^!! Se 'ya all in the next chapter at 14/08/2018!!!

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