Chapter 9: Marriage

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 A/N Aaaand another time skip chapter 😅. This tame 5, 5 months. Anyways, enjoy!!

 It was a small church filled with happy people. It was Weiss's wedding today and lots of people were present. They were happy for new made couple. Unfortunately bride herself wasn't so happy about that marriage. She was still upset about what happened to Ruby and after Winter tolled her the message from Ruby it made her realize her true fillings for her red haired friend. But it was too late as priest finished his long speech and said. "Will you, Neptune Vasilias, take Weiss Schnee as your loyal wife? (Is it supposed to be said like this? I don't know so sorry if something's wrong.)

"I do" he answered with a small smile playing on his lips.

"And do you, Weiss Schnee, take him as your loyal husband?"

"I...I" Weiss stuttered and closed her eyes. She didn't want to say yes but that what her duty was. She was doing that for her kingdom.So part of her was saying 'yes' and other part 'no'. "Weiss" she heard her father whisper. That send shiver down her body so she opened her eyes. "I d--" her word was cut off by a large explosion near the entrance of the church. After smoke cleared everyone sow Cinder standing on top of a large black dragon. It had red eyes and red cracks thru his scales.

Weiss's POV

"A party and I wasn't invited?" she asked and smirked.

"Cinder!?" said my father.

"You know her?!!" I asked shocked.

"She's the one who caught Ruby Rose" he explained.

I glared at her sparkling orange eyes. 'Is she that someone behind all of this like Ruby told me?' I opened my mouth to tell something but instead I felt sharp pain in my chest. Looking down I sow an arrow there. It wasn't an ordinary one. I think it was made from fire. I coughed some blood and fell on the ground on my back, losing consciousness. Is this the end for me?

"WEISS!!" I heard Winter cry before passing out.

Normal POV

Winter rushed to her younger sister. Weiss's white dress became red like blood, or should I say roses? "Please don't live me sis" Winter begged and put Weiss's head on her lap.

Cinder on the other hand simply looked at Jacques and let out a small lough. Her eyes had an orange-red glow like fire. "I can't believe that you killed last guardian with your own hands!! You really made my work easier Jacques" she jumped off of the dragon and looked at it. "Go!! Destroy this kingdom of this fools!!"

Dragon let out a loud roar and flew off. Brunet once again looked at king. In a blink of eye sword appeared in her hand also made from fire. She smirked and launched herself at Winter. Fortunately the attack was blocked by a figure in black clock who was only using their sword' sheath. Cinder jumped back. "Who are you?" she asked looking right at figure's white mask.

Instead of answering person took out his sword. It soon divide into two. Cinder let out a tsk and made a second sword for herself. They soon locked their blades together under the eyes of frightened people. It continued till soddenly mysterious person jumped back and healed the cut which was left by Cinder. Brunet smirked. "So you're a maiden, huh. Did Ozpin send you?"

Figure didn't answered once again and ran at woman. Cinder slashed her double swords thru the figure's body and it vanished. 'An illusion?!!' She thought and started to look for the real one. She let another tsk and concentrated her magic to connect her friends. 'Mercury! Emerald! I need--' Cinder used telepathy but was cut off when the figure appeared behind brunet and whispered into her ear.

"You are distracted, Cinder Fall". She (Lets agree on she because maidens can't be boys) stabbed her chest with one of her blades and Cinder fell on the ground bleeding badly. Mysterious person kneeled on one knee and put her hand on Cinder's forehead. A small orange light flew from brunet to figure. After that was done she put her swords back together and walked to Winter and Weiss. She kneeled down once again and looked at Weiss's wound. Then she checked her pulse. She was still alive. Woman let out a small sigh of relief. Arrow despaired as soon as Cinder was stabbed so she put both her hands on now open wound. They started to glow with bluish green light and the wound slowly closed. "She'll be fine" she said low so only Winter heard her. She turned around and started to walk to exit. When she was out of the small church filled with horrified people she disappeared.

Next thing that the figure sow was black dragon destroying some buildings. She sighed, took out her weapons once again and ran to the dragon, slashing her blades in dragon's scale, but it was too tenacious.

"Tch!!" she said and was about to jump back. Unfortunately dragon used his tale and throw her into the nearest building. She hit her back at the stone wall and coughed up some blood. 'You ok?' Asked someone's voice in her head.

'I'm fine Oz. His stronger than I thought' as she noticed that the dragon was quickly approaching to her she stood up and connected the backs of her blades. They started glow silver and soon transformed into dark red scythe. "Let's end this!" She said to herself and ran at dragon. She disappeared and when evil creature noticed her it was too late. She put her weapon under dragon's neck. Its blade lighten up in flames and cut thru its targets body with ease. Mysterious woman landed on the ground softly but the left part of her mask cracked and fell apart revealing half of her eye. It appeared that dragon somehow managed to hit her during her attack. She sighed and started to walk towards the church once again with her scythe in her hands.

Meantime in the church.

Weiss slowly opened her eyes and sow her sister's face. "W...Winter?" she whispered surprised. She set up and looked into her sister's eyes. Elder princess smiled through tears and hugged Weiss. "I'm so glad that you're ok!" she said. "I thought you were going to die."

Weiss was taken aback by her sister's unexpected outburst of emotions but then she hugged her back. After a minute they broke the embrace and Weiss asked. "Who was the person who saved me? I was nearly dead and you know that."

Winter looked at now broken door of the church and smiled when she spotted cloaked person walking to them. "It was her."

Weiss stood up and looked at figure. A single tear left her eye. She closed her mouth with her left palm and whispered. "It c...can't be..."

A/N. Sorry for crappy chapter (not like others were any better but still). This story is coming to an end, there are one or two chapters left. Anyways, I think that it's pretty obvious who that cloaked person is but comment your opinion! Like always I'll see you all in next chapter!

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