Chapter 7: After a year

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A/N This is a time skip chapter. Weiss now is 17 and Ruby is already 18. Just wanted to made it clear.

It has been already a year since the day that Ruby saved Weiss' life. During all that time Ruby was meeting up with princess in her balcony. And today isn't an exception. Once again Red was standing beside her princess and was looking at the fool moon in silence. Suddenly Weiss sneezed. Ruby smiled and threw her red cloak over younger girl's shoulders.

"You should where something warmer than a simple dress, Weiss. It's the end of November after all" she said with a small but heartwarming smile.

"Yeah. Thanks Ruby" Weiss answered and smiled as well.

'Ok Ruby it's now or never. You can do this' Ruby thought to herself and blushed slightly. She took a deep breath and looked at Weiss. "Hey" she said and caught her friend's attention.


"Do you remember the first time I came here?"


"Well you see at that day I said something and now I would like to confirm it. Weiss I...I lo--" Ruby didn't finished her sentence since someone knocked on Weiss' bedroom door.

"Weiss are you awake?" asked Jacques.

"Crap! It's my father. Ruby you need to--" Weiss turned around to face red haired only to see some red rose petals. "Ok. Already gone. And she left her cloak. What a dolt." Weiss walked to the door and opened it but firstly she hid Rudy's cloak in her wardrobe. "Can I help you father?"

"Yes. I wanted to tell you about your marriage."

"M...Marriage?!!" asked Weiss confused and clearly unhappy about that development.

"You are going to merry the young prince of Vuko Neptune Vasilias when you turn 18. That lives you 5, 5 months."

"B...But father I don't even know him!!" tried to argue Weiss.

"You'll meet him at tomorrow's ball. That's my final word. No arguing anymore" as he said this words he turned around and walked out of princess' room.

"Yes father" answered Weiss completely beaten up by her father's words. She looked at the floor and then closed the door. White haired walked to her bed and fell on it with tears in her eyes. The only thing that she didn't knew was a black-red haired girl listening to her conversation with sad face.

'She deserves someone better than me' she thought and vanished in a cloud of rose petals.

Meantime in throne room.

A knight walked to the king and bowed. "Someone wants to see you your majesty" he said. "She says that she has something very important to tell you."

King thought for a second before giving his answer. "Let her in" he said finally.

A woman with long black hair walked in. She wore red dress which had golden patters on it (I think you already know who this is ^U^). Her orange eyes were sparkling like fire. She bowed her head and said with a small smile. "It's a great honor to finally meet you, your highness."

"Who are you and what information do you have that is so important?"

"Oh right. Where are my manners? My name is Cinder Fall. And the information is about a single silver eyed girl living in the woods of your kingdom."

"That's not possible" said king with disbelieve. "Thayer kind was hunted down. Last witch was burned 13 years ago."

"I'm afraid that one survived" Cinder looked right into king's eyes. "And now I'm telling you that she's living in the small house in the woods."

"How can I know that you're not laying to me?" asked Jacques narrowing his eyes.

"You may not believe me, your majesty, but tomorrow or perhaps even today I will bring you her unconscious body " Cinder's polite smile turned into an evil smirk. After that she turned around and started to walk toward exit. "We'll meet very soon, king of Atlas" and like that she vanished in the shadows of the corridor.

A/N I know, I know. This chapter is shorter than the others were. Well that's because I really didn't know what else to write. You know, don't have any creative ideas. But! But. Next one is totally going to be batter and longer!! I have a blurred idea of what it's going to be like. See you all in the chapter 8 of 'Princess and the witch' in two days. Live your comment and vote, please. Buy!!

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