Chapter 10: The happy ending

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"I...It can't be" Weiss looked at the person standing before her. "R...Ruby?"

"Heh. Did the scythe or my eye give me away?" she asked removing her half broken mask. There was a large scar on her face probably left by the fire. Ruby looked at Weiss and smiled slightly. "Long tame no see, Weiss. Bride dress really suits you even if it's covered with blood."

"..." white haired clench her fists and looked down, her hair covering her eyes."You idiot!" she said.

"Wha?" asked Ruby, not understanding her. Princess lifted her head and by her look red haired figured out that she was pissed off. 'Uh oh. Weiss is angry' she thought and closed her eyes. Ruby heard Weiss' footsteps quickly approaching her and got ready for a slap or something like that but instead of feeling pain she felt her princess' arms around her waist. That made her open her eyes but then close them again and hug her back. Weiss buried her face in Ruby's shoulder and whispered. "I love you too Ruby Rose."

'W...Wait how? Oh yeah I asked Winter to tell her' red haired thought and hugged princess close to her and let her cry.

After a while Weiss was able to get herself together and broke her hug with Ruby. Someone's fake cough snapped her out f her trans. White haired looked at the person who coughed and froze in fear. It was her father. "Weiss," he said, "what's going on here?"

"F...Father I...I ummm" Weiss stuttered a bit.

"I can explain your highness" spoke up Ruby standing in front of Weiss some sort of proactively. "You never killed me and I swore that I'll find the person behind the myth of silver eyed people being evil!!" she said confidently.

"W...What?!!" shouted nearly everyone in the church.

"You are insane!! Silver eyed people are killers and witches who can use magic!!" king stopped and then continued. "Guards get her!"

But before they were able to do anything Winter walked to Ruby and stood before her, facing here father. "Father Stop! She literally saved Weiss' life and mine as well even after we tried to burn her!! Just let her explain!!"

King sighed and said. "Fine, then please tell me how did you survived if your body was burned?"

"Well that was an illusion I guess. I unconsciously hilled myself and before passing out I teleported away in the woods living an illusion behind." red haired said scratching the back of her head.

"But Ruby you told me that silver eyed people can use only one type of magic. Aren't yours teleportation?" asked Weiss confused.

"First of all it's not quit teleportation, it is transformation. Like this" she lifted her arm and it scattered into reed rose petals and than became normal again. "As for your question I'm not only silver eyed, I'm also a maiden" she noticed everyone's confused look and explained herself. "Have any of you heard the legend of four maidens?" everyone shook their heads. Ruby sighed and continued. "The legend says that The four maidens are the hosts of a vast natural power that has existed in for thousands of years. They are said to be the physical embodiment of the four seasons and that they were also able to use magic. The story goes that an old hermit is visited by four sisters, who each in their own unique ways are kind to him; the first (Winter) by encouraging him to meditate and reflect, the second (Spring) by bringing him fruit and flowers and revitalizing his garden, the third (Summer) convincing him to step outside and embrace the world, and the fourth (Fall) by encouraging him to be thankful for what he has. The old man gives the four sisters great powers in return for their kindness, and as the embodiment of the four seasons, they go through Remnant spreading their gifts.

Each maiden has two types of magic. Spring is illusion and healing, Fall is fire creation and telepathy and winter is ice and snow control and telekinesis. Summer's powers are still unknown for me and I'm still looking for her."

"So you're one of those four maidens?" asked Neptune walking to her.

"Technically I'm already two of them" Ruby answered with a small smile. "I was only Spring maiden and after fighting Cinder I became the fall maiden as well. You see those who are hunger for power are willing to find and gather all the maidens' powers and my job is to stop them" red haired stopped to looked at surrounding her people and then continued. "There's another thing. Magical powers of maidens pass to the last person who the current maiden thinks about before dying I got mine from my mother and she from Raven Branwen. There is a way to get powers by killing the maiden though."

"So you now have both fall and spring maidens' powers?" asked Weiss.

"Umm yeah but I have to return fire creation and telepathy to its right owner."

"Who is the right owner?" asked suddenly Neptune.

"Classified "

"Ok now answer my question" said Weiss looking right in Ruby's eyes. "Why...did you change the color of your cloak?" Ruby was surprised by that question but then she started laughing. "Hey! What's so funny?!"

"I...Its gust asked it so seriously" red haired answered still laughing. When she calmed down and whipped the tears that formed in corners of her eyes she said with equally serious tone. "I left it. Remember?"

As white haired opened her mouth to speak everyone, well actually there're only king, Weiss and her siblings and Neptune left, heard a dog bark. Soon Zwei ran to Ruby, jumped on her arms and started to lick her face happily. "Zweiiiii" exclaimed red haired. "I've missed you boy!!" After a second though Ruby noticed that corgi had a red cloak around his small body. "Ohhh. You brought my cloak!" girl smiled, put the dog on the ground and petted his head. "Good boy."

Red haired took her cloak reviling large scars on her body. She was wearing black tank top, dark blue jeans and long brown leather boots. Weiss felt guilt for what happened to Ruby even if she knew that it wasn't her fault. MeantimeRuby was already wearing her old red cloak and hood was on.

"Wait" said the king. "I know that cloak. It belongs to Red reaper."

Ruby looked at him with slight smirk and after a simple click of her fingers her eyes turned bright green. "It's an honor, your majesty" she said with her male voice and bowed.

"You're Red?!!" shouted all present people expect from Weiss and Winter.

"I...I thought that Weiss had a crush on him" said Winter but then correct herself. "Sorry, on her."

Weiss' face turned dip shade of red and she looked away. Jacques looked at her, "You knew that he was a girl and 'witch' and still fell in love with her?!" he asked getting angry.

"She saved my life and I didn't think that she was an evil person, and she's kinda cute too" the last part she mumbled so no one clearly understood what she wanted to say.

The king sighed and spoke once again. "It doesn't matter. You will marry Neptune after we rebuilt the town."

Weiss stood there frozen and Ruby was about to say something but was cut off by Neptune. Blue haired looked at Jacques. "Your highness, I do want to marry your daughter but if she loves someone else who can make her happy that I'll not stand on their path."

Jacques sighed. "Fine, I don't want her to be sad as well."

Weiss smiled and hugged her father. "Thank you so much father!"

While he was hugged by his younger daughter Jacques looked at Ruby who was standing there without her spell. " You better take care of her Ruby Rose!"

"I certainly will, your majesty " she answered with a slight bow and small smile.

Hi everyone!! And this was the last chapter of 'Princess and the witch'. I wanted to thank you for reading this story till the end. I know that I sometimes make some stupid mistakes and there but I'll try not to make them in my next book :). Thank you again and hope that I'll see you in my next fan fiction!!

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