Chapter 6: Unexpected visitor

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Weiss woke up early in the morning. She was in her room and for a second she thought that last night was just a dream but the slight pain in her abdomen said otherwise. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and put them on the ground. After letting out a long yawn white haired stood up and put on an ordinary light blue dress which was reaching her knees. Weiss walked to the door of her small balcony and opened it. The sun wasn't out yet but the horizon was starting to get orange. "It really is a nice weather this days" she said to herself and put her elbows on the railing. "So yesterday wasn't a dream huh?" Weiss asked herself and blushed when remembered Ruby carrying her. "Then Ruby is actually Red reaper". White haired rested her forehead in her hands and sighed. "Silver eyes means that she's a witch and that means that she's evil. But why do I have this strange filing about her? It's like something tells me that Ruby's NOT evil" she paused and looked at horizon. The sun was starting to show itself. A small sad smile started to play on princess' lips. "What should I do now? Inform father about a certain silver eyed girl? No! I can't abandon her! She trusted me with her deepest secret!" Weiss was arguing with her feelings and duty pretty long 'cause soon someone knocked on her door.

"Weiss may I come in?" asked Winter.

"The door is open!"

After a second elder Schnee was standing next to Weiss. "I see you feel better, Weiss" she said with a warm smile.

"I do feel better. In fact my wound doesn't hurt much anymore."

"Did he tried to do something wrong to you?" asked Winter warred and angry.

Weiss was confused by her sister's question. "He?"

"I mean Red reaper."

'Oh I totally forgot everyone thinks Ruby is a guy' thought younger princess. "N...No. When I woke up he walked me here. That's all."

Winter smirked for a reason that Weiss didn't understood before her next question. "You sow his face didn't you?"

That took Weiss off guard but she gathered herself up and said. "Yeah. And if you want to know, he had bright green eyes and black-red hair. Are you satisfied now?"

"Haha! Yup I am" Winter laughed and hugged her little sister much to Weiss' surprise. "I'm just happy that you're ok, sis" she broke the embrace and added. "Let's go eat breakfast."

"U...Uh o...k."

At the evening.

Weiss walked in her room tired from the day. Her wound was still a little sore and that was really bothering her. "Mean I'm exhausted!!" Weiss groaned into the pillow. " get...changed...into my... pajamas!" White haired said while fighting her sleep. When she slowly set in her bad she heard someone knocked on the door to her balcony. 'Who on their right minds will come thru the balcony?!! Of the forth floor!!!' princess thought. She stood up and walked to the door. 'Ok Weiss, if it's someone you don't know, slam the door and call the guards' with this thought she slowly opened the door to reveal a red hooded figure."Hey Weiss. How are you?" She asked and took of her hood for princess to see her black-red hair and silver eyes.

"R...Ruby?!" Whispered shouted Weiss. "What are you doing here?!!"

"Oh just passing by, to see how you feel."

"You had no idea that my room was this one, at the fourth floor, right?"

"Pff, of course I did! Don't be silly!" silver eyed laughed nervously.

"You didn't knew and randomly knocked on the door?" Weiss asked more annoyed.

"Nooooooo~" Ruby had a slight shy blush on her cheeks.

Weiss smiled slightly and sighed. "Dolt" princess walked to her red haired friend and closed the door behind her. "Hey, I wanted to ask this yesterday but kinda forgot" she put her elbows on the railing and looked at the moon. "Why did you save me?"

"Hum?" red haired lower her had to her left shoulder. "Do I have to have a reason to save a beautiful princess?" she asked innocently.

"It' just like that Roman guy said, I'm from the Schnee royal family, and we killed your mother. You are supposed to hate us and want revenge, not save me!" Weiss said some sort of disappointment and shame in her tone.

"Are you not happy that I saved you?"

"No, no, no! I'm really grateful! I simply don't understand how you think."

"Well first of all the one who did that was your father, so you have nothing to do with it. And second I may like you a little. I didn't figured it yet myself" Ruby slide her fingers thru her black-red hair.

"L...Like me?!!" asked Weiss and blushed.

"I said I don't know for sure!" red haired waved her hand near her chest blushing madly. "And there's another reason why I don't hate even your father" Red looked at the full moon.

"And what is that reason?"

"You see when I was a kid my mum used to tell me that many years ago silver eyed people used to live peacefully with other humans. They helped each other. But that changed when on by one kings from all the kingdoms started to blame us for killing their eldest children. But my mum told me that we didn't kill anybody and it was all a part of someone's evil plan, since we were protectors of the kingdoms. It was then the hunt for 'witches' begun. Those with silver eyes lived in fear for their lives ever sins and eventually were hunted down. Rose family was the eldest and the only family left" Ruby looked at Weiss and smiled. "That's why I don't blame you or your family. I still believe that it wasn't them who started all of this and I won't rest until I find the person behind."

"Wow" that was the only thing Weiss managed to say. Then another question rose in her mind. "Hey why didn't all the silver eyed people use that spell that you're using?"

"Look Weiss, yes silver eyed people can use magic but that doesn't mean that they can do everything" explained Ruby calmly. "We can use only one type of magic, like I'm using teleportation. Rose family was the only one who was able to use another kind and after the hunt began it was that transformation magic. It was passed thru generations in my family."

"Ok, I get it."

After another half an hour of talking it was tame for Ruby to go. They looked at each other and smiled. Ruby even bowed slightly and said with a smirk. "See you tomorrow at the same tame, princess."

"Are you calling me princess again?" Weiss asked annoyed. "Oh I get it now," she said with playful tone, "you want me to whip that smirk from your face with my own hands" white haired jumped at her friend also smiling.

"Bay!!" elder girl shouted and disappeared in the cloud of rose petals.

Weiss fell on the ground with a loud thumb and robbed the beck of her head. "Ow. I'm gonna get you next time Ruby Rose" she mumbled and walked to her bad.

A/n Sooo how was the chapter? Summer is coming to an end and I still have some books to read for school T-T. Anyways, I think you already know, but please vote, comment and the next chapter will be in two days!! See 'ya all then!!

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