Chapter 2: Is this the end

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A/n. Soooo. I wanted to clear something considering all elite knights. First of all you need to know that in this fan fiction Qrow and Summer are Ruby's parents (I know that Qrow isn't originally Ruby's father, but I like that theory, so yeah. And that don't change many things as he is dad after all.). Also Raven is a good mother here and she didn't left Yang. About JNPR and  _ _ BY. They are all 20 years old or should I say, were? Guess that's all. Enjoy this chapter!!


Next morning Weiss woke up with pretty good mood. She changed her pajama into her armor and walked out of her room. It was already breakfast tame so she went straight to dining room. The royal family was all gathered there.

"Good morning." Weiss greeted cheerfully and set on her seat.

"Morning Weiss." Smiled Winter. "You look oddly happy. What's the deal?"

"Oh, nothing much, just slept well that's all." Younger Schnee said still smiling.

"Do you have any plans, sis?" Asked Whitley curios.

Weiss thought for a second before answering. "Yeah. I was thinking about going to the town for a something. But I won't tell way...yet." She finished with a slight smirk.

"You will take your Myrtenaster with you, right?" Spoke Jacques.

"Of course, father."

"Good." The man smiled.

Tame skip in the town.

Weiss was walking down the road in search for something. Everyone greeted her with smiles and good mornings which she answered warmly. "Tomorrow is Winter's birthday!!" She thought happily. "I want to give her a really good present!" After whole day of searching Weiss was stopped by a jewelry shop. She walked in and sow lots of jewels. After looking around a bit her eye caught a necklace. It was completely made of silver. It was shaped as a snowflake. In the center there was a small round sapphire. There were also smaller sapphires at the snowflake's each wing.


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"Wow!" Thought the second princess and said out loud. "So beautiful." She picked it up and walked to seller. "How much do this necklace cost?" She asked in calm manner.

"You can have it for free. It's not every day that one of the royal family came to my shop." He said with a smile.

"No! I insist to buy it, so please tell me it's price."

  After a few minutes of argue Weiss finally bought the necklace and turned to walk out, but before she exited the shop she turned to face the seller and said. "Please tell the person who made this to be proud, 'cause this is going to be Winter's birthday present." She smiled and went out of the shop. It was already getting dark so Weiss decided to go back to castle. While she was walking by the now empty streets she heard one of nearby shop owners cry.

"Help my shop is being robbed!!"

Weiss looked to the direction from where she heard the cry and sow a men in black ruining out of the shop with a beg of most probably money.  'Dam it!' Thought Weiss. 'At this hour there won't be any knights in this area!! Guess I need to do all by myself then.' She took her rapier out and shouted. "Stop were you are!!!!" Huh. Of course the thief didn't stop, so Weiss started to chase him. She was faster than the man. White haired caught up to him when the figure turned to a dead end. "There's no were to run!! Give up!!" The girl ordered.

"Well, well, well" said an unfamiliar male voice from shadows. "If it isn't our little princess Weiss Schnee herself." The voice said with playful tone. Soon a man with orange hair and a round hat walked out of shadows accompanied by 10 other man.

"Boss" said the thief from earlier happily.

'How I hadn't noticed 11 man right behind me!?!! Can I even take them all on my own?!' Weiss thought with fear. But she quickly pulled herself together and hold her Myrtenaster tighter and spoke up confidently. "Who are you?!"

"Oh dear," the orange haired man smiled, "I will be your end! Get her boys!"

All 11 of the bandits together took out their swords and ran at Weiss. She dodged all the strikes that were aimed at her and struck beck. With her first attack she took out first two men. But the res 9 attack her again at the same time from all the ways. White haired managed to doge that strike but few of the swords scratched her not armored parts.

"You're not such a bed fighter, princess" smirked boss evilly. "I'm impressed. But that's not enough for you to survive today." He clinked his fingers and arrows flew ant Weiss with incredible speed. She wasn't fast enough to jump left. Some of the arrows touched her armor and broke, but flew of them sank into the cracks of her armor injuring her left arm and right leg.

"ARGHX!!!!" The girl shouted in pain.

The man smirked and took his cane. It soon turned into a spear and he threw it at Weiss. The weapon heated her right at her abdomen, which was only protected by her chain mail. Weiss cried in pain once again and fell on the ground. Before passing out she heard how that man let out a small laugh and as he walked to her he said. "I guess I can add 'killed the princess' to my list of crimes."

After that Weiss' eyes closed and everything went black.


A/N. What do you think will happen to Weiss? Will this be the end? Comment your opinion! Se 'ya!!  Next update will be at 10/8/2018. ^U^

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