A Black Queen & Black Magic

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This imagine is based off of the Remember The Time short film. You will take Iman's place and be Queen Nefertiti so there will be no (Y/N) in this story. You will be married to Pharaoh Akhenaten, who is played as Eddie Murphy in the film. (You can imagine him to be anyone you want, really)
Ancient Egypt/Dangerous Era

With your legs crossed and your hand propping your head to the right side- away from you spouse, you rolled your eyes slightly. "Sitting here whilst you go about your leisurely activities isn't stimulating in the slightest."

Pharaoh Akhenaten scoffed with a misleading smirk on his face. He signalled his opponent that the game of Senet was over. "What do you want to do then?" His charming smile cracked, allowing a deep sigh to escape.

You turned swiftly towards him in your chair and gave him an equally fake expression. "Well, you are the Pharaoh.. you should know how to entertain your Queen" you never ceased your smile.

"Well, of course" he walked up the two steps and sat his royal behind on the throne. He wiggles side to side to achieve optimum comfort, all while you stared at him as if he were a small mammal.

In one swift motion, his body turned towards the long line of servants-clothed in luxurious fabrics, varying from cloth to imported fox fur. His right hand hit against his left-harshly- and the tallest servant came at once.

The man with dry patches, desperate for moisture, came in-front of you both. He quickly placed his palm on top of his unruly patches of skin, to lessen his chances of ridicule from his Pharaoh. "Yes, Pharaoh Akhenaten, I am at your service" he kneeled onto the floor, groaning quietly in discomfort.

You offered him a endearing grin as your spouse gave him a cold stare. "Queen Nefertiti wants entertainment" he responded dryly.

The servant bowed for standing before his royalty. "As you wish" he stood.

"Thank you" you murmured before the servant headed off as quickly as he came.

A few moments later- the servant returned with a short man to his left.

"May I present to you, the fire breather!" he exclaimed dramatically before walking backwards, and eventually backing into the line of servants.

You watched the act closely, but you were no where close to entertained. You had seen this act more than a handful of times at gatherings and such. Fire breathers were often found surrounding the guests at events.

You heard a yawn to the right of you, and turned towards the sound.

"Are you entertained now, my Queen?" Akhenaten questioned sarcastically.

You gave him a smirk, which resulted in his eyebrows raising in skepticism. "This is more entertaining than you are" you fired, while your eyes travelled his frame.

"Nefertiti!" Akhenaten stressed with anger lingering off of his tongue.

You placed your hand over your mouth as you chuckled lightly at his emasculation.

Your spouse hissed quietly before clapping his hands once more. "Next!" he ordered.

The servant nodded and quickly dragged the fire breather out of your view.

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