Love Blood then Death

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Hey! just wanted to let you all know thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! Comments and criticism is welcomed! Title of this story is by Lovers.Lie on mibba Thank you for letting me use the name. I really reccomend people to read her storys on! She's such a talented writer. So thanks again.:)


Somebody call for help,

There's blood on the walls

As bodies fall to the ground.

Somebody call for help,

I would but I cant breathe

I'm soaked in my blood

As my life slips from me.

I could have sworn i saw an angel

So beautiful was that angel

As i look into his eyes

I see sympathy, care,

And love.

He looks at another direction

My friend is who we see.

I try to run, to be with my best friend

But he stops me and

pulls me back with

his eyes.

It was then when

I finally understood why .

It wasn't my time to go.

"You were at the wrong place at

the wrong time"

He kissed my forehead and i fell.

I wake up in a hospital bed.

My moms crying as my dad

Try’s to keep strong.

Doctor says “shouldn’t be long-”

“Where is she?” I whisper.

No answer…

I cry “Where is she…

She cant be!!

God don’t let it be true!”

Mom comes to soothe me

doesn’t work.

Funny how life hits you

Where it hurts…..

Somebody call for help,

There's blood on the walls

As bodies fall to the ground.

Somebody call for help,

I would but I cant breathe

I'm soaked in my blood

As my life slips from me.

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