Chapter 5: The Rescue

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***doing this on my phone so spare me****

Ana's View


I will figure out how I'm getting out of here... and then it hit me. I forgot I have my license and a car. Bingo! I pack my bags and put them in the back. I go back to my room and grab my cigarettes and accessories, my wallet, my phone and charger, my iPod and charger, all of my makeup, and my car keys. I never thought in my life that I would leave home like this. Ditching my mother to go live with my older brother.

I got into my car and looked at my house for the last time and drove out of the driveway, and to the next town where Dahvie would be. I hope I can just get directions to his house or whatever. I can't be home and I can't be alone.

My broken family used to all live together in a house not far from  Pittsburgh. And of course, the next show is in Columbus, which is about 3 hours away. That's where I'm headed. I plug in my iPod and head for the highway. I send Dahvie a text before I get on the highway.

To Dahvieee:

hey. I'm heading to Columbus, save a ticket if you can for me. We need to talk when I get there. This drive is going to suck. See you soon! xx <3

Ughhhh. Let's get this damn drive over with.

Dahvie's View


"Dude I just got a text from Ana" I told Jayy as we were headed for the venue. He was just as confused as me when he read the text. "Dude, what the fuck is she talking about?" Jayy asked. I just shook my head and went back to my bunk.

I wish I knew what she was talking about. Did she leave? Is she running away? Did mom throw her out? I literally don't know what to think. I must have fallen asleep in my bunk, because Jayy was practically fucking my ass to wake me up.

"Yo what the fuck?! Jayy! Nooooooooo! Get off of me!" I havent had to yell at him for awhile.

He just starts laughing obnoxiously. "Well you had to wake up some how", he says as he winks. Its a good thing that he's my best friend or I would've punched him.

The venue is huge as fuck. I don't usually say that, but I'm thinking that many people get lost in here.. and that will be a problem for Ana if she really does come. I could see her get lost within the first few minutes. I'll leave a note and a ticket and pass with the ticket person. That'll help. I'll text her and let her know the details and get ready.

Ana's View


Three goddamn hours later, I'm finally here. I didn't realize that I had a text either.

From Dahvieee:

Hey I left a ticket, pass, and note with the ticket lady. try not to get lost. meet me at the bus after. the note has more detail than what I'm saying now. See you soon xo <3

Hmmm okay then. I'll grab my ticket and find the bathroom. I have to pee sooooooo bad!! Murrr.

I manage to grab my pass and stuff early and I went to find the bathroom. I'm glad that Dahvie is my brother haha. I have early access to the venue and band merch.

I got assistance to finding the bathroom. Once I got out, the venue started filling. I went backstage to wait for Dahvie and Jayy, but I didn't see them for awhile. I assumed they were smoking before the show so I left them be. But I got to meet Jeffree Star in the process. He's very nice. And he wants to take me to get my first tattoo.

They finally come backstage and get ready for the show. I could tell that Jayy was stoned out of his mind. They both gave me a quick glance and they went on stage.

I swear Dahvie purposefully performed my favorites without  knowing it. Oh well. When the show was over, Dahvie found me and gave me a huge hug and so did Jayy. "You guys did good as always!" I told them. Dahvie was looking at me funny now. "Dahvie, we need to talk. Let's go to the bus please. Jayy can join if he wants to." I said shyly. "Alright let's go," said Dahvie.

We leave the venue, hand in hand, heading for the buses. Dahvie noticed I parked my car next to the bus. I already know he's concerned but damn he's scaring me now. I let go of their hands. My body starts shaking. I can't be this afraid of rejection. I barely made it to the bus. We walk to the back lounge and I curl up in a ball on the corner of the couch. I tug on my hoodie sleeves to keep my hands covered. Its time to tell them.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about? There's something clearly wrong." Dahvie said as he crossed his arms and looked at me. I sat there for a minute before I could even respond. My eyes were watering, and I could feel the tears fall. I've never felt the sting that tears could bring. I cleared my throat and attempted to tell them.

"D-Dahvie, I left mom. I left the house. I don't want to be there anymore. I'm scared. She used to hit me. I would cut because of her and because of the depression that she caused." I took off my hoodie and lifted the back of my tank top so they could see what my mother did, and I showed them my arms, filled with cuts and scars. "You were gone for too long, Dahvie. If I hadn't of met you when I did, I probably would've ended up killing myself. It seems all nice there. Its literally Hell living there. I left her, and now I need a place to stay. All of my things are in the car. Do you think I could go with you guys on the rest of the tour? I could sell my car right now, drain my bank account, and sleep in the back lounge. So long as its okay with everyone else." I was crying at this point. I couldn't keep it together. Dahvie was starting to cry. Jayy had a smug look on his face. He got up and sat on the couch next to me and motioned for a hug. I ended up curling up in a ball in his arms.

Dahvie gave me a blank look before he responded. "You can stay with us for the rest of the tour. Once the tour is over, you are moving in with me. I will enroll you in the local high school and you will finish school. Do you understand?" I could feel a huge smile form across my face. "I understand clearly. Thank you so very much." I got out of Jayy's arms and went straight into Dahvie's.

I'm finally with the family I've wanted to be with. I grab my stuff out of the car and go sell my car to a used car lot. I got $5,000 for my perfectly good car. I went and drained my bank account. That's another $10,000 or so.

I go back to the bus and look through my bags for my makeup remover, tooth brush, and toothpaste. I go to the bathroom and take off my makeup, wash my face, and brush my teeth. Once I walked out of the bathroom, I walked right into Jayy. I blushed and went straight to the lounge.

Jayy followed me in there and pinned me to the wall, a large smile formed on his face. "Welcome to the family," he said. He kissed my cheek and walked away like nothing happened. I blushed and went over to turn the lights and crawled into the blanket on the couch. This is going to be a lot of fun.

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