Chapter 6: Tour

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Ana's View


I was so excited that I actually got to be with my brother again, that I didn't bother to ask what the tour schedule was. We were stopped at a gas station and I had no clue where we were. I looked for Dahvie and Jayy on the bus. "Fuck, where are you guys?" I was starting to get a little nervous, since I was the only one left on the bus. I went to the back lounge and got changed into decent clothes, and looked for my phone and makeup. As I was fixing my makeup, I got a text from a random number that i didn't know.

From: Unknown

If you want something to eat, get it now while you still can. We won't be stopping for awhile. Oh, and when you come out, we have some cool shit to show you. ~J

I had no idea who texted me, and it kind of freaked me out. I was getting hungry though. So I finished my makeup, and headed for the gas station. Who's the first person I see? Jayy, with a large grin on his face. "Did you get my text?" he asked. "Of course I did. I didn't know it was you. Meanie." I was kind of mad, but I couldn't be for long.

He grabbed my hand and walked me over to Dahvie, who was blankly staring at the beer cooler. "I got her in here. Now you need to snap out of it, Dahvie." Dahvie looked at him funny before he grabbed two large cases of beer from the cooler and went to check out. I convinced him to buy me Smirnoff while he was at it. I bought some Monster and some more liquid for my vape pen. I am definitely getting a nice ass ecig when the tour is over.

Once we all checked out, we headed back to the bus. I grabbed my Smirnoff and my haul and went to the back lounge. I locked the door and downed the first bottle like water. It was sweet, but it was what I needed. I put the rest in the minifridge for the moment and looked for a change in clothes. Just as I had taken my bra and shirt off, Jayy opened the door. "Wh-What the fuck?! That door was locked just a minute ago." I said, as I tried to cover myself with my shirt. "That lock actually doesn't work. Its always been broken." he said.

Ignoring Jayy, I turned around and put a different shirt on and grabbed another bottle of Smirnoff to drink. Once I finished the bottle, I pulled my jeans off to change into pajama shorts. Jayy closes the door behind him and quickly pegs me to the floor. "J-Jayy!.." He pressed his lips to mine before I could say anymore. "Your so sexy, I just couldn't help it. I'm sorry." He proceeded to get off of me, and leaves the lounge immediately, with me still on the floor. I didn't even register what just happened.

Tossing that thought aside, I put on my pajama shorts, and grab a couple more bottles and bring them to the front lounge. I downed one on the way there, and almost tripped on a suitcase in the process. Once in the lounge, I could tell Dahvie wasn't happy that I was drinking, but I didn't care. I have a fucked up life. Drinking won't kill me. I drank a few beers and called it a night after that. I was pretty drunk and I almost fell twice. I made it to the back lounge and curled up in the couch bed, when I heard a soft knock on the door.

"C-Can I please come in Ana burr?" It was Jayy, shitfaced and baked. "Sure, come on in. I was just about to go to bed. What's up?" I yawned a little. "C-Can I come sleep wiff you tonight? Please." His puppy face was irresistible. I nodded and he crawled under the covers and cuddled up with me. I'm still not sure why, but it felt right to be in his arms. "Goodnight Jayy." " Goodnight."

Dahvie's View


"Where's Jayy and Ana? I haven't seen either of them. I'm a little worried." I was really worried. I hope he's not trying to hook up with her. I'll kill him.

Mike looked at me with a concerned face, "He went in the back lounge sometime after Ana did. He hasn't come out since he went back there, and that was last night." I could tell that he really didn't want to say anything. I was beyond furious with him. It was morning, so anything could've happened last night. I sighed and walked towards the back room. Mike grabbed my wrist, trying to stop me. " I wouldn't go back there if I were you.. Jayy is not a morning person at all, and I don't think you wana wake up Ana. She was pretty drunk last night."

I didn't give a fuck if she was too fucked up to function. I'm waking them both up. I walked in and almost screamed when I actually took a closer evaluation at the sight in front of me. Ana was cuddled up in Jayy's arms. I've never seen him cuddle with a chick before. I was pissed that it was my baby sister, but I couldn't help but smile. He was only a year or two older than her, and definitely acts like a child at times, but I know he can be mature when he needs to be. Maybe this would be good for the both of them.

I gently woke them up and let them know that we were at IHop and we were going to get breakfast. I saw Ana blush and kicked me and Jayy out. We both went and got dressed and waited up front for Ana to get dressed. She takes forever, just like I remember.

Ana's View


I took forever to get ready on purpose. I was so embarrassed that Dahvie woke us up, that I was still trying to get over it. I stole Jayy's bowl and a little bit of his weed and smoked up once I was done with my makeup. I was so stoned when I came up front. Jayy just had a huge ass smile plastered to his face, and Dahvie just smirked and shook his head. Jayy grabbed my hand, and walked with me into IHop. We were seated, and started a simple conversation while we waited for the others. We were laughing obnoxiously by the time they came to sit down. I don't think I've eaten that many pancakes since I went to IHop on the way to Florida three years ago.

Once we finished, we got back on the bus and headed to the next venue. Jayy opened up the entertainment cabinet and revealed a large ass TV with an Xbox 360 hooked up to it. I got so excited that I practically pissed myself. Jayy looked really confused as I ran to the back lounge to my stuff. If there's a few things I didn't sell, its my collection of Xbox 360 games. I had everything from Assassin's Creed to Call of Duty: Black Ops II to Plants VS. Zombies. I had so many games, that I was nicknamed the "gamer girl" in school. I went back out with my large ass duffle bag of games, and I could feel everyone stare at me. I had my vape pen with me too, and started vapin as we played some Black Ops 2 zombies. I was kicking ass.

By about 2, we were no where near the venue. I assumed we were somewhere in Indiana or so, and didnt bother to ask. The next show wasnt until tomorrow, so we just screwed around for a while. It's late September, past homecoming. I wasn't really sad that I missed it, especially since the sales were great afterwards. We stopped at the nearby mall and I went crazy. We stopped at the dress stores and I got a couple new dresses from the sales. Then,  I bought a good $750 on band merch and new clothes at just Hot Topic alone. I went to Journey's and got some new Vans and Toms. I went around to all of the unique stores and got some new jewelry, since I got my nose and belly button pierced and started stretching my ears. Jeffree took me to a friend's shop and paid for my first tattoo. I got a rainbow colored cheetah print that went from the top of my right side, and went down to the top of my right thigh. It hurt like a bitch, and Jeffree helped me take care of it. The mall excursion cost me quite the amount; a grand total amount of $1,500. 

Once we got back to the bus with our large haul, we headed to a local diner and ate dinner. Once we got back on the bus, it was already 10 pm. I was exhausted. I grabbed a Smirnoff, a pillow, and a blanket, and went to the front lounge to put a movie in. I curled up on the couch and watched the movie in peace. Jayy must have heard me and stumbled out of his bunk to join me. I must've fallen asleep at some point while watching the movie cause I woke up in his arms again. I just smiled and went back to sleep. Everything is going to be okay.

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