Chapter 3

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-------Ana's View-------

Well shit.. I forgot that they were still outside.. Dahvie looks slightly disheveled. I hope he doesn't mind bringing me home... "Sorry guys! We just got to talking and I forgot.." Please don't be pissed at me..

"You're so lucky I forgive, haha. Just kidding. I love you too much to bitch," Devyn says as she sits on the couch next to me. Thank god she's my best friend.

 "Well I'm done! You came with me and these faggots are bringing you home?  To think I wanted a whore like you to be my girlfriend," Zach says as he starts walking towards me. "You've been asking for attention since you moved up here. Don't you dare start to think that I don't hear the rumors about you. You sleep around with everyone. You're such a fucking freak of nature. You should've died in that car accident 5 years ago!"

I was shocked. I did nothing to deserve what was said. I've done nothing wrong. Dev thinks people are jealous of me so they start shit with me. But I didn't think anyone knew about the car accident, other than Devyn. I ran up behind him and grabbed his arm and pulled it back behind him, until all you could hear was a blood curdling scream and the snap of his arm. I had enough.

"You think I'm a freak of nature? Do you want to find out what is wrong with me? If so, keep your bullshit up. If not, then shut the fuck up!! I'm sick of hearing this shit over and over, EVERYDAY. Why can't you just leave me alone?!" I keep pulling on his arm until its limp. I've never done this to anyone before. This power feel amazing, and I want more. I go for another limb, when I feel Dahvie's arms around me, pulling me back from Zach. I bit his arm, and tried to lunge for Zach's throat. Jayy caught me in mid air, and kept ahold of me. I eventually lost consciousness... The last things I remember seeing were Devyn screaming my name and Dahvie crying.

------Dahvie's View-------

I cannot believe what I just saw.. I finally have my baby sister back, only to watch her try to kill some guy that brought her to the concert. If it weren't for him, I never would've found my sister. But what he said was completely unnecessary. Whatever he said about her, I don't believe. I may not have seen my sister for so long, but I believe that she's not like that. All I could do was cry.. I've never seen anyone so aggressive... And my sister did the damage..

I called for an ambulance to come pick up Zach. We were already behind schedule. We needed to get going. The ambulance came for Zach, and asked what had happened. I simply said that he pissed my sister off and she broke his arm. They took him and left. We decided to take Devyn back to her house, and reassured her that Ana would get ahold of her  when she gained consciousness. We then went to Ana's house. Time to come home for a little bit...

******I feel EXTREMELY bad for not updating all the time. I finally have some time to update, and I may be starting some new stories, but I definitely have some new stuff on the way!! I hope you enjoy. I will try to update as soon as I can! <3 *******

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