Part 5

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The next morning I woke up, alone. Harry was gone and I just figured he'd gone to the bathroom or to get breakfast. I searched for my phone and checked the time. 6:32 am. I groaned to myself wondering why I'd woken up so early. As much as I tried to go back to sleep, I couldn't so I decided to roll out of bed and go to the restroom. I walked out of my bedroom into the pitch black living area of the basement. I turned my head to the left to see if Harry's door was closed but it was too dark. As I made my way through the large open living space I felt on the wall for the light switch and soon the whole basement was lit with yellow toned lights. I made my way towards the bathroom door and entered. I quickly relieved myself, washed my hands and left.

I decided to make some breakfast since I couldn't sleep. As I made my way upstairs I could hear my parents talking.

"Hey Savvy, what're you doing up?" My mom questioned as I entered the room.

"Couldn't sleep so I thought I'd go ahead and make some breakfast." I said sleepily, heading towards the kitchen, light beaming into the house through the curtains.

"Okay well your dad and I are heading out, we'll see you tonight." She said and they both came over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day I'll see you guys tonight." They left the kitchen and headed out.

I got out 2 eggs, spinach, turkey bacon and mushrooms from the fridge and a non-stick pan from the cabinet. I decided to make and omelet. I'm not sure why because I hate omelettes but for some reason, it sounded good. I cut the mushrooms and bacon into small pieces and threw them into the hot pan. While I was waiting for them to cook I cracked my eggs into a bowl and whisked them together with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Once the bacon and mushrooms were fully cooked I threw in a couple of handfuls of spinach and let it wilt. Then, I added my eggs and let that all cook. Once it was done I transferred it to a plate, got a glass of water and sat at the island on a bar stool.

I quickly realized that I still don't like omelettes but I finished it. I put my plate in the sink and refilled my glass of water and headed back to the basement. I turned on the large TV and went to Netflix. I decided to rewatch the newest season of Jane the Virgin. I had turned the lights off and the TV was very loud so I didn't hear Harry come out of his room.

"Do you really need to have the TV that loud?" He said, sounding annoyed.

I still didn't know why he'd left last night and for some reason, I was kind of mad that he was having an attitude with me. So although his voice made me jump, I ignored him.

"Hey, earth to Savannah!" He shouted.

"This is my house so I'll have the TV as loud as I want it." I said bluntly.

"It's also eight fucking thirty in the morning." He said and I once again, ignored him. "Turn that shit down." He said and I soon heard his door slam behind me.

I don't know why he was being so rude. I didn't do anything wrong. I got up off the sofa and stormed into his room.

"Hey what the f-" he started.

"I don't know what the fuck I did to you but you will not treat me like this!" I yelled quietly so that I didn't wake anyone else in the house.

"I'm not here to be your boy toy Sav." I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Excuse me?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I saw your texts. Last night. I couldn't sleep so I stayed up watching TV when your phone started blowing up. Liam right?" He asked.

I scoffed, "Liam?! How do you even know who that is?"

"It was pretty easy to figure out. He seems to really miss his 'baby girl'. Also, he wanted you to know you're the only one who can make him feel good if you know what he means." The anger was building in his voice but he hadn't looked at me in the eye this whole time.

"Liam is my ex." He finally looked in my eyes. "We broke up over a month ago, summer had just started and he was going to be traveling all over Europe during the summer and he said he wanted to 'have fun'." I sighed. "He's a year older than us and graduated this past school year. He blocked me on all social media but my friends said he's been in Europe partying with girls so I kind of figured out what he meant by 'fun'." I looked towards Harry who started to look like he felt bad but I could tell he was still skeptical.

"So why is he texting you."

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him since he left. Like I said, he cut me off." I shrugged my shoulders. "I haven't even seen the texts." I walked out of the room to get my phone off the couch. I decided to look at them alone instead of going back into Harry's room.

Liam: I'm so sorry baby girl. I don't know what I was thinking.. I miss you so much Sav  I'm home and I need to see you. You're the only one that makes me feel good... if you know what I mean ;)

Liam: babyyyyy I miss you :(((

Liam: Sav please answer

Liam: Sav!

Liam: I fucked up but when you're free I'm gonna take you and and make it up to you ;)

Liam: I know you're probably asleep right now but I miss you baby. I haven't stopped thinking about you. You're the best girlfriend ever. Sweet dreams, princess. I will see you soon.

Holy shit. What the fuck. I'd be mad too if I was laying in bed with a girl and a guy started texting her like that. My anger quickly turned to sadness when I remembered the way Liam treated me the whole 2 years we dated. I could feel the tears quickly form in my eyes. I missed him.

"Hey" Harry whispered into my ear and he snakes his arms around my waist from behind me. "I'm sorry, I overreacted." He turned me around and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I had finally stopped thinking about him and what he was doing without me." I cried into his chest, hugging him tightly. "I actually thought we were in love and had a future together but he used me for sex. He cheated on me but it was always just seemed to be a drunken mistake. I was so in love with him."

"Sav I'm so sorry. I had no right to-"

"No it's not your fault." I pushed him off me. "I need to um- get ready, Yea I uh- need to uh- do some stuff today." I said backing away and going towards my room.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Just stuff."

"Can I tag along?"

"It's Savannah stuff. Stuff I do alone." I said and he furrowed his brows giving me a confused look before nodding his head and watching me walk away.


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