Part 11

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I haven't left my room all day. I asked Harry to leave early this morning and he did, no questions asked. For some reason I wanted him to ask questions, though I also wanted him to stay out of my love life. I love Liam. Liam loves me. There's nothing more to it. I know what Liam does isn't okay but I'm the one that makes him angry, right? It doesn't really matter honestly, I just don't like that Liam is allowed to hang out with girls without me but he doesn't want me to be friends with Harry, who lives in my house...

I got out of bed to look at how bad the bruises were and to my surprise, the mark on my face was only slightly pink. My arm was another story and the scratch on my neck was pretty bad as well. I took a quick shower and got ready for the day. I was able to cover up the mark on my cheek with some foundation and concealer. I wasn't the biggest fan of makeup but I'd gotten pretty good at covering things up. I'd taken nice skin and bare faces for granted these past couple months.

It really sucked that Harry's room was so close to mine because I could only avoid him for so long. The only reason I'd left my room to shower was because I'd heard Harry leave with Steven about half an hour ago. I really, really hope he doesn't tell Steven what happened because that will not be pretty. I decided to give my mom a call since it was around 4:30 and she usually has a break at this time.

"Hey Savvy, what's up?" My mom questioned.

"Oh I just wanted to call to see if you and dad were going to make it home for dinner tonight?"

"Oh hun, Steven didn't tell you? Your dad and I have that big work dinner tonight and we're staying up in a hotel near the venue."

"What? Since when?" I was a little annoyed that my brother hadn't mentioned it.

"Well you guys know about the dinner, the hotel thing was last minute though, I told Steven this morning before we left."

"I don't know why Steven didn't tell me.. I think he left with Harry a little while ago, I'll give him a call."

"Okay sweetie, take care. Let your sister know. I'll see you tomorrow, love you."

"Love you, bye" I said before hanging up the phone.

I decided to head upstairs towards my sisters room to one, see if she was home and two, see if Steven let her know my parents would be gone for the night.

"Sarah?" I said, knocking on her closed bedroom door before cracking it open and popping my head in.

"Hey Sav." She said looking up from her iPad.

"Hey so did Steven tell you that mom and dad will be gone for the night?"

"Yea he told me this morning." She said. I don't know why I was so annoyed that I was the only one who didn't know.

"Oh okay. So where did he and Harry go?" I asked.

"They went to go get food for dinner." She said before adding, "Why're you wearing so much makeup? You haven't worn that in months? You going on a hot date?" She smirked.

"Uh- no- I uh- just felt like playing around with some makeup, I was bored." I said shocked that'd she'd noticed.

"Well I don't think you need it! We should all have a movie night when the boys get back! Maybe even a spa night! We could all do face masks and everything!" She said ecstatically. I didn't want to say no because spa night used to be our thing when she was younger.

"Oh yea, maybe you can show the boys some of your cool homemade face masks." I replied, hoping she heard the emphasis on, the boys.

"Yay! I'm going to start making some so they're ready when they get back!" She said getting out of her bed, "go take that makeup off so you can put one on too!" She ran past me and down stairs towards the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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