Part 7

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I felt pretty awkward after everything that had happened with Savannah. As much as I wanted it, I wasn't planning on doing anything with her. It just wasn't smart because I do have to be here so long. She didn't seem too weirded out by it though which was kind of nice.

"Hey Harry my friends are throwing a party tonight.. kind of like an end of summer bash if you will. I was just wondering if you'd be interested in going" I looked up to see Savannah standing in my doorway.

I wasn't sure how to act around her and I just felt so awkward, "oh yea! Sounds fun. What time?"

"7. It would be a great chance for u to meet some of my friends."

"Yea.. um so are you going with anyone?" I asked looking down at my hands.

She walked over and sat next to me on the bed, "I mean I thought we could go together?" She said, placing her small hand on my thigh.

"Oh yea okay I wasn't sure." I blabbed awkwardly, looking up towards her smiling face.

"Ok then I'll see you at 7 tonight, Styles." She winked, leaving my room.

She was so beautiful. Everything she did, everything she said seemed so perfect. I hated the feelings I had for her because I'm pretty sure she just wanted to hookup that one time. I don't know.

I decided to get up and take a shower since I'd spent most of the day binge-watching Netflix shows and YouTube videos. It was only 4:30 so this gave me more that enough time to get ready and I was also able to take a long shower. Long showers seem to help me forget things that have been bothering me. Might be weird, I don't know.

I turned on the shower and quickly hopped in, the bathroom filling with steam. I closed my eyes and let the scalding hot water hit my back as I stood there, deep in my own thoughts. It seemed like it had only been a minute or so when I heard banging in the door,

"Harry! You've been in there 45 minutes! Hurry the fuck up!" I heard Savannah scream.

Shit. I quickly washed my hair, face and body before getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist. I stepped out of the bathroom and surprise, Savannah was waiting on the other side of the door.

"Sorry about that, lost track of time" I said walking past her, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"Harry?" She said turning to look at me after I'd passed her.

I hesitantly turned orotund and looked up, "Yea?"

"Why're you acting so weird?" She asked, "it's like you're scared of me." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Acting weird? Me? What on earth are you talking about?" I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

She stepped closer to me and grabbed one of my hands, "Cmon Harry, what's going on with you?"

"I'm just embarrassed." I said staring at the ground.

"Why? We were just having fun?" When she said that my heart broke into a million peices. Fun. That's what I was. That is all I was.

I quickly ripped my hand away, "Yea fun, you're right" I said, my tone changed. I turned on my heel and walked to my room. Shutting and locking the door behind me.

What am I going to do? Tell her I have feelings for her? She's going to think I'm crazy.


Well that was weird. Harry and I haven't interacted much in the past couple of days and I'm not sure why. He seems really awkward around me now, making me feel like I've done something wrong. I want to talk to him but he doesn't seem to want to talk. Boys. They're so complicated.

Savannah: hey be ready in 20 my friends are picking us up.

Harry: okay

Harry: what should I wear

Savannah: unlock your door, Styles. I can help.

I walked out of my room and heard Harry unlocked his door, opening it.

"Sorry I've never met any of these people and I want to make a good impression." He said nervously.

"You want to make a good impression with the ladies?" I smirked.

"What? No!" He hissed back.

"Okay Styles. Relax." I said laughing at how defensive he got.

"I'm just not looking to be with any 'ladies' tonight" he said giving me an annoyed look.

"Then are you planning on being with guys?" I laughed, annoying him was fun.

"Really Savannah?" He rolled his eyes before adding, "Are you?"

"Maybe, only if the cute ones are there." I smiled and walked to his closet.

"You know what? Never mind. I know exactly what to wear! Out!" He said pointing to the door angrily.

"Okay? Gosh." I rolled my eyes and left.

What the fuck is his problem?


I thought she invited me to this party? She said we were going together. Maybe that means something else in America? Girls. They're so complicated.

I looked through my clothes and put together the most stylish outfit ever. This'll show her. I am Harry Styles! I am going to flirt with the ladies tonight! Not to be cocky but they'll love me when they hear my accent. Maybe I can even make Savannah jealous by flirting with some of her friends. Man, I'm evil.

Smirking to myself, I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out of my room to meet Savannah.

"Wow!" She said, "You didn't even need my help! I guess that's why your last name is Styles am I right!" She added, giggling.

"Thank you, thank you" I said, waving my hand in the air and bowing as if I'd just won an award.

"Everyone is going to love you!" She paused, "especially the ladies" She winked at me.

This upset me, obviously and I couldn't bite my tongue anymore, "Savannah can you stop talking like that!"

"What?" She questioned.

"You invited me to this party and said that we'd be going together! I thought that meant you wanted to go TOGETHER! Not as friends? As more than friends!" I stormed upstairs, like a child. I didn't wait for a response because I was already embarrassed enough. I just want this night to be over with.

OKAYYYY UPDATEEEEE!! Hope you enjoy! Keep reading, voting and commenting!! ILY

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