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SHOUTOUT TO @Clsly25  for voting on chapters in my story! Love you! I will be doing more shoutouts throughout the chapters. Their is more of you that I will be announcing!

Previously on Manager Jeff's Daughter:
I didn't know where I was going so I just walked down the sidewalk and down the streets.

I heard a car pull up next to me and I turned to see...

I heard a car pull up next to me and I turned to see a huge white G wagon. It was the Maverick himself, Logan Paul. Great. Just what I needed! Note the sarcasm? Anyways, once I saw him I continued walking like I never saw him. I heard him park the yeti and the door open being slammed a couple seconds later. I ignored him and kept on walking but he jogged towards me and walked next to me. I rolled my eyes at him.
L. Can we talk?
J. We have nothing to talk about Logan
L. Please Julianna?
I looked at him and sighed
J. What do you want to talk about?
L. Us
J. Logan! For the last time! Their is no us!
I said while pointing my finger towards him and back to me.
L. Julianna I heard you in that office. You confessed to your dad! Not to mention my manager that you like me!
J. So what? That doesn't mean anything! It can mean that I like you as a friend?
I said while shrugging my shoulders
L. Jules come on! We both know it's not true! Let's talk to your dad! See if we can do anything!
J. Your right Logan! I do like you! But we can't talk to my dad about us because Logan Paul and Julianna Levin as a couple DO NOT EXIST! I am trying to move on Logan! But all you are doing is making it harder for me!
L. Because I want to be with you!
J. Enough is enough! This conversation is over! Their is NO US OK?!
I walked away and Logan stopped walking next to me. Instead he stopped walking and just stood their watching me walk away into the warm breeze that hit my face.

I couldn't go after her. I COULDN'T! It hurts to see her trying to move on from me! This is so unfair! Words CANNOT describe how I feel about this girl. Ever since I met her I have been happier every time I see sight of her and it hurts when she leaves. I tried moving on these past months. I have, but I can't. I walked back to the yeti and drove back to the Maverick house.

I parked the yeti in the driveway next to the cool bus and made my way inside the house. Lydia was at her desk doing some work on her laptop. I didn't see Spencer or Evan so I suppose Evan is in his room playing video games and Spencer is working out.
L. hey Lydia
LK. Hey Logan, are you ok?
L. Yeah I'm fine
LK. Come here
L. Ok?
I walked over to her and sat in a chair across from her
LK. Whats wrong?
I sighed. She knew something was wrong with me.
L. Is it that obvious?
LK. Yeah now talk to me
L. What do you do when you like a girl and she likes you back but she doesn't want to try it out because her dad doesn't approve?
LK. Ok, um. Have you told her how you feel about her?
L. Yeah and she has also
LK. Well, have you talked to her dad about it?
Now that i think of it, I haven't talked to Jeff alone.
L. No
LK. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel about his daughter, how you care about her!
She is right, but its Jeffrey Levin!
L. What if I told you the girl I like is Julianna and her dad is my manager?
Lydia looked shocked
LK. Wow. You know, thats actually better if her dad is Jeff!
L. It is?
I said confused. How is it better?
LK. Common Logan think about it! Jeff knows you! Its better that he knows the guy that his daughter likes is a guy that her dad knows idiot! Talk to Jeff! Im sure it will work out!
L. Your right Lydia, thank you so much
I never knew Lydia was good at advice, she is right though I need to talk to Jeff and explain to him how I feel about his daughter, Julianna Levin.

I made a quick stop at Starbucks and ordered a drink. I than grabbed my drink and sat down at a table. I don't  know what to do at this point. I am fucking  confused right now. I was lost in my thoughts and snapped out of them when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned and saw my abusive ex boyfriend, Zayn. I got up and I was scared of what he would do to me.
Z. Hey beautiful
J. Don't call me that!
Z. Why not? After all you still are my girlfriend?
J. No I am not!
When I was in high school, I had a "sweetheart" boyfriend. I was only 17 years old and I was a senior. Zayn and I were both seniors. When I first met him he was nice to me, we started dating and he asked me to move in with him. Me being an idiot excepted and that's when he changed. He would come home late at night around 3 in the morning drunk. He would wake me up and start hitting me with his belt. I still have scars in my body from those. One night he got home late and he was extremely drunk than ever before. I am more than sure that he cheated on me while we were together, but to be honest I couldn't care less. He woke me up and started punching and kicking me in the stomach. I was weak. He pinned me against the wall and sucked on my neck while I cried for help but he lived in a house in the middle of no where so I was on my own. Their was a bottle near me so I grabbed it and smacked him in the head. He let go of me and I ran out the door as fast as I could leaving all my things behind and I never heard a thing of him again until today.
Z. Let's go.
J. No!
He slapped me in the face and I cried. He grabbed my wrist and had a strong grip. My fingers were turning white and tears were rolling down my cheeks
?.HEY! Let her go!
Zany and I turned and saw Andrew standing by the door in front of Ally.
Z. Well well well, if it isn't Andrew Beyer
A. Let. Her. Go
Z. Or what? You gonna punch me?
A. Oh please, I would do more than that
J. Zayn stop please
Zayn looked at me with a smirk. I than saw a fist fly right to Zayn's cheek and I turned to see Andrew who punched him. Zayn let my wrist go and placed his hand on his cheek. I ran over to Ally and she hugged me. Zayn than punched Andrew and in seconds they were now on the floor punching each other.
Employees and customers came and one grabbed Zayn while another grabbed Andrew.
A. Alright alright I will stop
Andrew put his hands up and the customer let him go. He walked over to Ally and I and he hugged me and I hugged back while I cried in his chest
A. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?
J. I'm fine
A. Let's get out of here
We walked out the shop and got on his car. He drove me to my dad's house and I walked inside with Andrew. Ally had stayed inside the car. I saw Jonathan in the couch playing a board game with Sophia and I heard laughing from the kitchen. In walked Logan and my dad and Logan looked happy. He saw me and had a huge smile on his face. I hugged Andrew and started crying. He hugged me back.
A. It's good. He isn't here anymore. Your safe alright?
MJ. What happened?
A. Zayn is back in town
I continued crying on Andrews chest.
J. H-he slapped me
I said during sobs
JL. Dad calm down
Sophia ran over to me and hugged me. I wiped my face and kneeled down.
S. Are you ok mommy?
J. Yeah baby girl. I'm fine
S. Why are you crying?
Here we go again
I sighed
Andrew kneeled down beside me
A. Your mommy tripped and fell
S. Oh no! Let me go get bandages!
I chuckled.
J. Alright
She ran upstairs.
J. Thanks Andrew
I hugged him
A. If you need anything, call me alright? Ally and I will be here for you.
J. Thank you. Can you tell Ally I said thanks?
A. Of course.
He hugged me and left. My dad walked over to me and hugged me
MJ. This is why I don't let you have boyfriends!
J. I'm sorry dad
MJ. It's alright. I'm just glad my daughter is safe
Sophia came back down and she had a box with bandages. I walked over to the couch and she followed.
S. Where are your cuts?
I laughed
J. Right here
I didn't really have any cuts but to make her believe, I just gave her my arm. I didn't have blood or anything but she still put some on
J. What an awesome doctor you are!
S. That is what I want to be when I grow up mommy!
J. Well you will be an amazing Doctor!
We all laughed and I hugged her.
J. I'm going to my room ok?
S. Alright. If you get anymore cuts, just call Doctor Sophia! Me by the way!
J. Alright!😂
I walked upstairs and laid down on my bed. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it close to my chest. I started crying.

I heard a knock on the door and I wiped my eyes quickly because I was still crying. The door flew open and I saw Logan. Great,
L. Hey
J. Hey
I said quietly
L. Are you ok?
J. Look, if your here to be sorry for me than I suggest you leave!
Wow, that came out rude than I thought it would be.
L. I am not here to talk about what happened. I am simply here to apologize
J. Apologize?
L. Yeah.
J. About what?
L. For not leaving you alone all those times you rejected me,
I laughed
J. You don't need to apologize I do. I'm sorry
He laughed
L. I have good news?
J. Spill it!
I said while sitting down on the bed so I was facing Logan.
L. I talked to your dad
J. About?
L. Dating you
My eyes went wide

I had just arrived outside Jeff's house. I walked inside and saw him sitting down in the couch.
L. Hey Jeff
MJ. Hey Logan. What's up?
L. Can we talk?
MJ, sure lets go to my office
We walked into his office and we sat down.
MJ. What's up?
L. Can I date your daughter?
MJ. You will go to hell if you date my daughter!
L. Jeff common!
MJ. Give me a damn good reason
L. You really prefer your daughter to date a guy you don't know a single thing about
MJ. Fair enough, but I know what you do with girls Logan. I'm old but I'm not stupid!
I sighed
MJ. You sleep with them and never speak to them again the day after!
L. But your daughter is different!
MJ. You will do the same to her!
L. I will not. I promise Jeff
He sighed
MJ. Fine. But you have to start off as friends
L. Fine with me😏
MJ. You know what, never mind
L. Oh come on!
MJ. I'm joking😂
L. Thank goodness😂


Manager Jeff's Daughter (a Logan paul fan fiction)✔️Where stories live. Discover now