I Can't Belive It!

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SHOUTOUT to @Logang4life1234, @Tagan_Steele3, and @Luana616239 for voting AND FOLLOWING ME! I love you guys!♥️ Make sure to keep reading both my stories to see if YOU get a shoutout! Their is a bunch more of you!

L. I have good news?
J. Spill it!
I said while sitting down on the bed so I was facing Logan.
L. I talked to your dad
J. About?
L. Dating you
My eyes went wide

L. I talked to your dad
J. About?
L. Dating you
My eyes went wide
J. D-dating me?!
L. Yeah?
He shrugged his shoulders
J. He is going to kill me Logan! Why the fuck would you do that!
L. Wait! I haven't told you what he told me! Calm down!
J. OK🙄 tell me what HE TOLD YOU!
L. He said he is fine with it!
J. *scoff* I doubt that!🙄. Good try though! Congrats!
L. I'm serious!
J. I don't believe what your saying!
L. Why do you think I was smiling when you got here?
Now that I think about it, he is right
J. Logan, I-I don't know...
L. Common!
J. Logan how about this...
I said while sitting in a more comfortable position in the bed.
J. How about we start as friends? Maybe even best friends? And we will see where our friendship takes us?
L. That's not bad?
J. So, do we have a deal? Or no deal?
L. We have a deal!
We shook hands and I smiled at him.
L. How about I take you out for breakfast tomorrow?
J. Not as a date though!
L. Of course!😂
We both laughed.
J. Alright.
L. Well, I gotta go. I have a meeting in a little bit. I hope you feel better.
J. Alright see you tomorrow.
L. Bye
J. Bye
He gave me a hug and walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

This morning I went to the gym and worked out for a good 2 hours. It was about 6:30 am when I was in the gym. After I worked out, I ran back to the house and took a quick shower. Logan had texted me that he would be here soon so I did my makeup and changed.



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I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket of my jeans and walked downstairs

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I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket of my jeans and walked downstairs. My mom and dad were in the kitchen eating breakfast and I sat down across the table on a bar stool.
J. Hey guys!
MJ. Hey
H. Hey sweetheart, you seem happy, where are you going?
J. I'm having breakfast with Logan!
MJ. Have you kissed?
He said in a serious tone
J. What? Nooooo!
I said while slapping my hand on the table causing my parents plate and cup to shake
MJ. When did that happen?
J. Dad!
MJ. Julianna!
My phone dinged and I grabbed it seeing a message from Logan

Hey Julianna, I am outside your house waiting for you!

Alright, I am on my way!

J. Sorry guys, but Logan is here, which means, I get to excuse myself from this conversation! Bye!
I walked over to each of them and planted a kiss for each on their cheek.
MJ. This conversation is not over Julie!
H. Bye honey!
I laughed at my dad's response.😂

I walked outside and saw the yeti on the driveway with Logan waiting inside.
L. Hey
J. Hey
I sat down and buckled my belt and Logan drove off the driveway driving to wherever we were going
L. I forgot to tell you yesterday that tomorrow we have a meeting for the merch and a photoshoot after
J. Alright, what time is it at?
L. The meeting will be at 3:45 pm and the photoshoot is at 6:00 pm.
J. Uh? How long is the meeting?
Logan laughed
J. It's not funny you idiot!
L. It kinda is!😂
J. I hate you!😂
I said while gently shoving his shoulder
L. WOAH WOAH IM DRIVING! You wouldn't want us to DIE WOULDN'T YOU!
I laughed and so did Logan
J. What if that is what I wanted!
L. Oh my gosh!
We laughed again.

After singing to a bunch of songs and laughing the whole way, we arrived at a diner and walked inside. When we walked in, memories of this place flashed back into my head and that's when I remembered! Oh my gosh! This is my grandpa's old diner! I used to come here when I was a little girl with my papa. I loved him so much! The waitresses would always use roller skates to serve the customers and they still do! My papa aloud me to use skates and I would have tons of fun! The employees were my friends and they always treated me well. Linda, one of the workers was my best friend out of all of them though. She was 20 years old when I was here. She would always give me gifts like necklaces, bracelets, dolls, I was basically spoiled from her!😂. I stopped visiting when my papa died though. He died when I was 7 and so did my nana. They both died in a plane crash. The plane got lost in the ocean and they never found it and they still haven't. The diner was sold and I never visited it again until today. Logan and I made our way to a table and when I sat down, a tear fell down my cheek and Logan noticed.
L. Hey what's wrong?
J. This used to be my grandfather's diner!
L. Oh my gosh, we can leave if you'd like?
J. No no! I'm fine, it just brought back a lot of memories!
L. I can see that
A waitress came to our table and she looked quite familiar.
W. Hey, Welcome to Phil's Diner, I am Linda and I will be your waitress today!
No way! It's Linda! I can't believe it!
J. Linda?!
W. Yeah?
L. Linda! You don't remember me?
A. No, you do look familiar though?
J. Linda common! It's me! Julianna Levin!
L. Oh my gosh! My baby girl! It's you!
She used to call me that.
She pulled me up from my seat and gave my a big tight hug. I hugged her back and tears were falling down her cheeks. We finally let go and she looked at me.
L. How are you?
J. I'm good! How are you?
L. Better because your here! I never thought I would see you again! Look at you! Last time I saw you you still weared diapers!
Logan laughed
J. Ok stop lying! Your making me look bad!
L. I'm joking!😂 is this your boyfriend?
LP. Uh no, I'm her friend
L. Sure. That's what they all say!
J. Linda!
L. What?
I shook my head and laughed
L. Baby girl, ever since the diner got sold, our new boss Phil has been a pain in the ass!
Logan and I laughed
J. Why of course! Nobody can be a better owner than my papa!
L. That is a fact!
J. Something Logan would say!
I mumbled under my breathe and Logan laughed
L. So, what do you do? What's your job?
J. Well right now I'm a model.
L. Wow, for what?
J. Funny you ask, I model for Logan's brand!
L. You guys would make a cute couple!
Logan and I laughed nervously and I felt heat rise in my cheeks. Dammit I am blushing!
L. Baby girl?
J. Yeah?
L. Why did you sell the diner?
J. I didn't sell it! I thought my mom did?
L. No? She never sold it.
J. What?
L. Julianna did you ever read the heritage?
J. No, I didn't even know my papa had a heritage?
L. Well I did, and before your papa died, he told me that his heritage said that he would leave the diner to you? That you would be in charge! So that you would become owner when you were eighteen? I thought you sold it!
J and LP. WHAT!


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