Apparently Manager Jeff has a daughter that nobody knew about. So one day he decides to take her to a meeting with Team Maverick. They both walk into the office, Julianna is forced to stay in their, not wanting to go. But what happens when a specifi...
JULIANNA POV It has been a week since the fight, and sadly I am still wearing two casts. This fucking sucks! We are back in LA safe and sound. Today Logan said he had a surprise for me. I can't wait to find out what it is. I fucking hate surprises! I get anxious when someone says they have a surprise for me! Ugh it kills me! Once again, this morning I took a shower and Logan helped me. I was back in my house with Erika and Sophia, but Logan slept over last night. Since I still can't do my makeup, Erika has helped me. I have been practicing doing my makeup with my left hand. Trust me! You DO NOT want to know how that fucking went! Logan and Sophia literally screamed when they saw me! No joke! ANYWAYS, Erika did my makeup. After that, she helped me pick out an outfit and helped me change also. Guys, having broken bones SUCKS ASS! It's like you can't even do anything! For example, two days after we got to LA, Brendon called me to see when I can start doing photography and modeling for some pictures. I CAN'T FUCKING DO IT! I can't do my dream job because of my fucking BROKEN BONES! But to be honest, it's worth it because I saved my niece's life. MAKEUP
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ONE FOOT HAS CAST After I finished getting ready, Erika helped me into the living room. Logan was sitting their on his phone. I sat down next to him. He looked up from his phone and turned it off. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. J. Have I ever told you how handsome you are? L. Thanks, but I'm not telling you the surprise J. Ugh! Ever told you you have a nice tushy? I tried holding in a laugh. Logan burst out laughing L. Why thank you? I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore and burst out laughing L. I love your laugh j. And I love you he smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back. I pulled away L. I love you to I smiled. L. Ready to go? J. Of course!
Logan and I were already on our way to whoever we were going. I have a blind fold in my face because Logan doesn't want me to see where we are going. Mike, Spencer, Milton, and Ari also came with us. J. It's hot L. I know I'm hot babe, but can you wait till we get their! Than you can kiss me! Everyone laughed except me. I rolled my eyes! But wait! THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE IT! J. Shut up! L. You know you love me! J. No I don't! My dad paid me to date you! Everyone else in the car ooooo'd causing me to laugh L. Bullshit! I laughed J. I'm joking! I love you! L. Yeah right! He scoffed J. It's true!
We arrived and Logan and Mike helped me out the yeti and on my wheelchair. Yup! I can't see, and I have broken bones! Doesn't this make this more dangerous! Boys am I right! J. What is that smell? L. Uhh! U-uh it's my fart! Yup! My fart. I just farted J. Ewww GROSS LOGAN L. HEY! RESPECT A MAN AND HIS GAS WOMAN! I scrunched up my nose and the boys laughed I felt my chair moving J. Is someone holding my chair or am I rolling down a hill? L. Your rolling down a hill J. LOGAN L. I'M JOKING! I'm right behind you! Can't you see? J. NO YOU IDIOT! I THINK YOU FORGOT I'M WEARING A FUCKING BLIND FOLD! L. Oh YEAH! Sorry babe! I rolled my eyes. L. Alright we are here. I was about to take off my blind fold but Logan stopped me. L. NOT YET WOMAN J. STOP CALLING ME WOMAN! AND CALM YOUR GAS DOWN IT FUCKING STINKS L. What? OHHH! RESPECT MY GAS! J. Just hurry up! I'M DYING TO KNOW WHATS GOING ON! L. CALM DOWN WOMAN J. DON'T CALL ME WOMAN L. alright! He whispered L. I'll be back. I am going to call the person in charge. The boys are here J. Alright?
Moments later, I felt my chair being rolled. L. Alright take off your blind fold J. Can you help me? I can't do it with one hand L. Yeah Logan untied the blind fold from my head. I looked around until I saw pink animals walking on the floor. J. OMG ITS PIGGIES! LOGAN OH MY GOSH! THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! He laughed L. I know! This is the surprise! J. Ahhhh OMG! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I signaled him to walk over to me and once he did I gave him a tight hug with one arm. He kissed my forehead. L. This isn't the surprise though. The surprise is, we are buying one! My mouth fell open J. Are you being serious? Or are you like fucking joking with me? L. I'm being serious I looked at the boys and they all nodded J. OH MY GOSH! L. It will be our first child! I squealed
The owner of the pigs took us inside the piglet room. I started squealing so much. I got to carry one and she was totally calm in my arms. L. Yo! I think she likes you! J. I love her! I said while petting her
We bought a pig! WE BOUGHT A PIG! Her name is Pearl Bing Bing. We just got home from the pet store buying things for her. Logan was carrying her the whole time and I can tell Pearl is starting to love him. She is Logan's Daughter. Our daughter! Our first child! I never thought it would be a pig to be honest, but I love them. So why not! We got home like 2 hours ago and we have been playing around with the pig. She is so adorable! I love my daughter and Logan so much!