Chapter 10

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One of the people in the crowd handed Joe a pair of pants. He took his time pulling them on, clearly not ashamed of his nakedness (and he had nothing to be ashamed of).

"Joe," Sierra asked shakily, "What the hell is going on?"

Joe didn't answer. Instead, he walked up to her and rudely ripped off her jacket. He eyed the wound on her arm.

"Did she bite you or scratch you?"

"She scratched me."

"She should have bit her!" someone yelled from the crowd.

Those were not friendly faces out there. They were all staring at her. They looked angry and scared.

Joe turned to address them.

"Everyone this is Sierra. She's a friend of mine."

Eric trudged toward them, wearing only blue jeans like Joe was. His long white hair whipped out behind him.

"The reporter, Joe? Really?" he exclaimed.

At the word "reporter" a fresh burst of angry murmurs stirred though the crowd.

"Is Brenda alright?" Joe asked him.

"She's fine. Sneaky brat's tearing up her sleeping bag."

Sierra was startled by the realization that Eric was the white bear. She looked uneasily at the crowd around her. Were all of them...what would you call them? Werewolves? Werebears?

"Tell me you're going to bite her now," Eric said.

"No," Joe said.

"Fine. I'll bite her."

"No one is biting her," Joe said firmly.

"Joe, what's happening?" Sierra asked.

She looked around wildly for a way out, but the angry crowd was closing ranks around her, their eyes glittering in the torchlight.

"Is she really a reporter?" someone called out.

"You better bite her or fucking eat her Joe. We can't just let her leave," Eric said.

A few members of the crowd shouted out their approval.

"Everyone calm down!" Joe said loudly.

Sierra immediately recognized it as the voice he used during speeches. Dominant, commanding, but also calming and reasonable.

"I did not tell Sierra about this place. She followed me here. But I can absolutely assure you she has no intention of telling anyone else. You're all perfectly safe. She's sorry for the scene she caused, and didn't mean to put anyone in danger. I'm going to take her home now."

Joe grabbed her by the arm and started to march her away though the crowd.

"What if she does tell someone?" Eric asked and he stepped into their path.

"Then I will deal with her," Joe replied.

"That's not good enough! How can you be sure-"

"Are you challenging me, Eric?" Joe asked, fury blazing in his eyes.

The crowd went silent. After a moment's hesitation Eric looked down at his feet.

"No sir."

"Good," Joe said.

Eric moved aside and they walked back out of the town.

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