Chapter 17

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"End of the line, buttercup," he said. "Here's the deal. You come over here like a good little girl and I'll bite you. Promise it won't hurt too much. You try to run, I'll rip your head off and eat it. What's your vote?"

Sierra, cold terror clenching her insides, turned from him and ran. She kicked of her shoes and bolted down an alleyway, her stocking feet splashing in the cold puddles of rainwater. She heard Eric take off after her.

Halfway down the alley, she heard the sound of fabric ripping and chanced a brief glance backward. Eric was shifting into bear form without breaking stride. Currently half man, half monster, he came at her on all fours. She wretched her eyes away and turned back just in time to narrowly avoid tripping over a trash bin.

The muscles in her legs screamed as she tried to push herself faster, knowing she couldn't possibly outrun a bear. She burst out of the alleyway and ran into the street. Cars swerved and honked as she cut through their path. She heard a thud and a roar as one of them struck Eric and chanced another glance backward. He had sprawled onto his back, bleeding, but was growling at her as he clambered up again.

Sierra ran up the street and back towards the gallery, fervently praying Zeke had noticed her absence by now. He was fast, so much faster then her. She could feel his hot breath on her, just behind her now. One great paw reached up and scratched her across her back, knocking her down to her knees just as she reached the gallery doors. Eric stood on his hind legs, towering over her prone figure and roared.

The gallery doors flung open. Zeke and Damon came rushing out. They were followed by James, who was fearlessly snapping pictures. The repeated camera flash shined in Eric's small, black eyes.

Eric looked around wildly. Everyone inside the gallery had their faces pressed against the glass, watching the scene. Crowds of passerby's had gathered, keeping a safe distance as they took pictures and videos on their cell phones. Sierra realized very quickly the mistake Eric had made, the one he himself was coming to realize. He had exposed himself. It wasn't exactly commonplace to see a wild black bear chasing people through downtown. This would be all over the news.

After one last look at her Eric began to back away, then turned and fled. People screamed as he passed them on the sidewalk. Paying them no notice, he turned down an alley and was gone.

Zeke pulled her to her feet, babbling apologies faster than his brain could form the words. Suddenly she was surrounded by people. Molly was hugging her. James was still taking pictures. Everyone was asking questions. She could see flashing blue and red lights approaching in the distance. Blind terror followed by sharp relief had made everything a little hazy.

Trying to pull herself together, she was able to focus in on Damon, who was holding out a phone to her.

"He wants to talk to you," he said.

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