Chapter Six

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   At the beginning of the battle, Vihesis covered the closest stars in shadows. Casting Odura in darkness and announcing their presence. With the stars being covered up the land of Odura was shoved into chaos.
   The plants that Zintaar created started to slowly die when they could not find any light to grow in. It diminished Zintaar's powers and made him unable to fight against the twins of destruction.
   With the plants dying Enja was having a hard time too. There was hardly any balance. The herbivores she created were running out of food and dying off, which meant that the carnivorous animals were starting to go as well.
   Nylene, who drew her powers heavily from the stars, grew very sick. It slowed her heart and caused her great pain. The fire in the star that she was created from dimmed greatly.
   Though most of the divine had fallen, Ukstus and Mudall stood their ground, ready for the Chaos Twins and Ice Goddess to make their move. Umeyr ran to his children, pleading with them, but they turned him down and the fight began.
   It was three against two for three days straight, Ukstus and Mudall slowly succumbing to weariness. Umeyr then decided once and for all. Whether he would stay out of the war and let his home die, or fight his two sons and sister. Of course, Odura wouldn't be here today if he didn't chose the latter.
   He fought his children, winning the battle for Odura and in a last act the twins tried to stand. They called Zonenta to aid them but the icy goddess refused, slithering back to the glaciers. She betrayed their trust, but not as much as Ukstus who casted them out to an eternal struggle.

Vote and comment! ~DragonflyLG

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