Chapter Three

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   Some time later Teotl settled upon Umeyr's land once more. Nylene approached her daughter with a happy aura, blessing her daughter with children. The three were named Zintaar, Enja, and Mudall.
   Mudall and Zintaar, even upon their creation, showed to have wisdom beyond their years, but Zintaar felt a calling from the earth.
   He pressed his claws to the dirt of Odura before reeling back in shock as little green saplings sprouted out of the ground. He smiled as he got an idea and started running around all of Odura, sprouting plants wherever he could. He even spent a short amount of time in Zonenta's plain, but he returned when the cold became too much.
   Enja was delighted to see the plants and ran about in glee, savoring the new smells. She took a handful of leaves and breathed life into them, creating a bird. She smiled happily as the bird chirped as it flew around her. She ventured around the earth of Odura, creating animals left and right.
   Most of the animals she created fed off of the plants but for the purpose of the balance she created meat eating animals. It was so all the plants would not be destroyed and Zintaar would remain happy.
   Mudall gathered his abilities soon after, going to his grandfather. He announced that the children of his uncle, Umeyr, would turn against them all. Souring the land in blood and ash. Ukstus took the prophetic words of his grandson and approached his son.
   Ukstus commanded the god of fire to never have children or else he would send them to the void, the dimension of nothing. In other words, he would kill them. The chief god wanted to do anything in his power to keep Odura safe.
   Umeyr stayed quite, not wanting to displease his father, but as he watched Teotl he longed for children.
   His had a daughter who he named Rona. He kept her away from the rest of the gods and raised her. He raised her to be kind but also to be smart.
   One day Umeyr had to leave his daughter for but a moment and in his absence Ukstus stumbled upon the child. He slaughtered her without mercy, sending her soul to the void. When Umeyr returned the fire god grew angry at his father and vowed to only return once he found his daughter's soul in the void.

Vote and comment! ~DragonflyLG

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