Chapter 1- Am I in Hell?

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This is my first AHS ( S3 Coven) story! Please R&R I love to hear ideas and thoughts!

A white light blinded her. Fiona couldn't make out where she was, was she in heaven? She wasn't sure where the hell she was. Maybe it was hell. The light got brighter as she opened her eyes.

She coughed and coughed as her blurred vision became clear. It took her a second to realize she was no longer in the arms of Cordelia, drawing her last breath, but she was in a bed. She could hear a dog barking outside and the sounds of the bugs of summer. Sunshine was filling the dark room.

Where am I?

She sat right up taking in her surroundings, not recognizing anything for that matter. She didn't know whose bed she was in. She looked around. She sat up and staggered to the window, peering outside. Grass, trees, and a lake were all she could make out due to the blinding light from the sun. She stumbled around until she saw something familiar, Jimmy Choo Pumps. Fiona sighed happily and gracefully slipped them on and stood back up, shocked at the reflection looking back at her. Touching her face she gasped.

Christ, is that me?

It was the Fiona before the cancer diagnosis. Her golden locks of hair were frizzy from sleep, but there. She tugged on it and it didn't fall out. Her face was glowing and she looked well rested. She pursed her lips, chuckling a bit as she stared at herself. Her attention to vanity was short lived when she heard a whistling sound.

" Babydoll, I see you're awake. You're not usually up this early." the raspy voice said.

Fiona took one look and saw a face she didn't want to see again. She took a few steps forward as she headed into the kitchen of her new surroundings " What the hell did you say? Where am I? How long have I been here?"

The Axeman, set down his catch and threw his hat down. He leaned against the wall, taking in Fiona Goode.  " There is no time in eternity..." he smiled at her. He went over and grabbed her shoulders and kissed her. Fiona pushed him away and located something strong on the counter. She reached for the glass bottle and let the liquid relax her. He reached around to grab her again and this time she slapped him, but he sent her to the floor.

Fiona gasped as she felt her lip begin to throb with pain. Not only was she dizzy, but she began to taste blood. With an outstretched arm, her lover, lifted her up with ease and steadied her as she walked around to study her new surroundings.

She took in the pine walls, the fish in the sink. The sites and smells were a bit overwhelming.She couldn't understand why this was happening and she just wanted to wake up from her nightmare.

She moved about the house taking in the rooms and finally just had enough.

" I want to go back. I want my daughter. I don't want to be here." She slammed her head against his chest after he grabbed her. His hand slid down her back and clasped her other and he danced her to their room. " Shhh, you're stuck with me forever, baby."

Welcome to Hell.

Fiona began to hear soft but haunting laughter from across the room. Papa.

She groaned and shut her eyes as she felt this hell she was in consume her while the Axeman danced her right back to the bed.

He carefully laid her down and got in beside her. Her stomach churned as he got closer, he reeked of fish and she couldn't stand seafood. He handed her a cigarette. She twirled it in her fingers before he fumbled for his lighter and she quickly accepted the waiting flame.

He gently grabbed her hand in his and kissed her fingers lightly.

" So what do we do everyday? I just don't seem to remember." She says almost in a daze as she tries to get a grasp on her reality.

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