Chapter 5- Say I Do!

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Chapter 5- Say I do

I'm getting married, Christ!

Fiona herself was shocked she even said yes. It took her a few moments to process this. It was all so sudden and unexpected, much like the news of her pregnancy. She was in a daze for a few moments as she stared at the diamond ring on her finger surfacing thoughts of her previous marriages and her long history with men.

When she stared at this ring though, it felt different. Something about the ring was different than the others. It was a crystal clear diamond. It was far bigger than any other ring her lovers had given her- only this time the size didn't matter. This ring meant more than she could put into words.

It was beautiful and elegant. Fiona wondered who he murdered to get a ring like that one. Joe gently grasped her hand in his and kissed each finger one by one taking in her fragrance as he held her close.

He saw her not taking her eyes off of the sizeable diamond on her hand and raised his brow slightly finally figuring out why she was starting so intently at the ring.

" It was my grandmother's ring. I've always carried it with me. I was never sure who'd I give it too- but I'm sure I made the right choice." he said, almost in a gruff whisper.

Fiona barely registered what he was saying, she slightly nodded her head. Her mind was far off until she felt a very strong kick bring her back to reality.

" Oohhh." She winced and grabbed for the side of her stomach.

" What's wrong?" Joe gently turned her face up to meet his. His deep brown eyes searching hers, worried something was wrong.

" The baby- the baby just kicked." She said turning her shocked expression into a smile. Her eyes light up brighter than the ring on her finger.

Joe gently put his hand on her stomach, and dropped his head down near her bump and softly whispered something to the baby, causing it to move and kick again.

" Hey- what are you telling her down there?" Fiona giggled as she felt the baby continuously move a mile a minute in her womb.

Joe looked up at his bride to me and moved a blonde piece of hair behind her ear and began to softly plant kisses across her jaw line.

" I just told our baby girl I loved her so much and her mommy too." he smirked.

" We love you so very much Joe." Fiona giggled as she threw her arms around his neck. He continued to kiss her, slowly moving his hand up her leg under the creamy black silk negligee she wore causing her to moan and fall week under his touch. " I love you babydoll..." he whispered hoarsely as Fiona grabbed for his belt.

Slowly, Joe moved them onto the ground laying down so Fiona was on top of him. He had worked his hands all the way up to her lacy underwear underneath while Fiona worked on carefully unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt, slowly undoing each and everyone.

It was sexy for them. They usually took things nice and slow, allowing time to stare each other down and enough time for Joe to kiss every inch of Fiona, driving her crazy in he best way possible.

" You must be rewarded..." Fiona mumbled as she went for his underwear.

They spent a few hours outside making love and collapsed side by side in sheer execstacy when they finished. It was a romantic moment between them, until Fiona complained of being hungry.

" I guess we did work up an appetite." He chuckled
as he helped her up and they managed to throw their clothes on and walk back up to the house.

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