Chapter 8- Baby FaxeMan Pt.2

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What seemed like hours to Fiona as her body tensed up in pain was only 15 minutes by the time Joe pulled up to the valet parking to the hospital. Traffic wasn't terrible, but Joe was slow and careful with his driving much to Fiona's dismay.

Of course, she had let him have it the whole ride over....

They were greeted with a wheelchair and a nurse carefully tending to Fiona as Joe nervously grabbed the overnight bags from the backseat.

Joe could barely manage to slip the valet some cash, seeing that his hands were shaking. Everything around him seemed to grow quiet as his whole body filled with anxiety.

They were about to meet their daughter. She was coming whether they were ready or not.

He was quickly brought out of his haze with Fiona squeezing his fingers.

" Easy does it babydoll." He gruffly whispered to Fiona, who did not look amused.

" I need drugs. Get me to the goddamn room already." She hissed.

The nurse quickly wheeled them inside, while Joe hurriedly filled out the necessary paperwork at the front desk.

Fiona let out a piercing scream from the exam room she was in- and judging by the sound of it, Joe hoped the poor helpless nurse was still alive...

A smile crept up on his lips as he toyed with the idea of a murder. He hadn't killed in a while and his urge was growing.

" I need towels and another nurse in here, NOW!" The panicked nurse poked her head out of the room, clearly something was wrong by the tone of her voice.

Joe raised a brow and worriedly hurried over to the exam room.

Fiona was standing and leaning over the bed. Her black dress was clumsily tossed to the floor along with her underwear and heels.

Joe caught sight of her in the blue gown as she stood in the doorway- admiring how gorgeous she was. From a little girl, to now. She was as beautiful as ever even if she was sweaty.

" Joe it's happening. I think it's killing me. I feel like I want to- OOOOOOOOOO!" Fiona groaned as she clenched onto the exam table.

Joe hurried over and grabbed her hands. He gently rubbed a stray tear falling down her cheek with his thumb.

" You're doing great babydoll." He whispered, his breath tickling her ear, making Fiona forget the immense amount of pain she was in.

Fiona's OB rushed in snapping them out of their moment, bringing them back to reality.

" Well so much for the c-section. You're crowning." Her ob said, shocking both she and Joe seeing that she only went into labor nearly an hour before.

Fiona knew it was all Papa. She cursed him under her breath as she felt a horrible pain rip through her.

Joe could sense it. He squeezed her hands and coached her.

" Head is out. Want to see, daddy?" The cheery nurse smiled up at Joe- her hands still up Fiona's gown.

He decided to take a peak, shocked. Their daughter, was moments from entering the world.

" JOE!!!" Fiona screamed through her next contraction as he passed right out.

A nearby nurse tended to Joe as Fiona looked on, hoping he was alright.

Suddenly without warning, the monitors attached to Fiona began going crazy.

She got very nervous as the doctor looked over and talked to the nurse.

" Okay Fiona, we have to hurry this up. Give me two big pushes. Baby is not doing so well." The doctor said as she worked at her feet.

Nervously, Fiona nodded and squeezed the rail on her bed for support before giving one big push, everything around her was blurry. She knew by the amount of pain she was in- the baby was close.

" You're doing great- one more." She heard the doctor distantly say, bringing her back to reality.

She felt a big warm hand grab hers. The nurse had gotten Joe a chair to sit in, allowing the father to be to remain by his wife's side as she brought their baby into the world.

" You can do it, babydoll." Joe whispered.

Fiona looked into his eyes and nodded. She gathered up the remainder of her strength and pushed before feeling the baby slide right out.

The doctor was quickly working at her feet. To her surprise, it was quiet. Joe nervously looked around at the nurses as they rushed around the room.

" You have a little quiet one here. No need to worry, mom and dad." Her doctor said before placing the quiet little girl against Fiona.

In that moment, time froze. She was taken back to the night Cordelia was born and how in that moment she felt nothing but stone cold hatred for her own flesh and blood. How she could be so cruel, how a mother could hate their children?

The weight of being Supreme on her shoulders made her cold against the world, she locked away her real emotions. Being the youngest Supreme was both a blessing and a curse on Fiona Goode. Now here she was, getting a fresh new start with a man she loved at her side and the baby they made out of that love, real true love.

Fiona tuned out everything around her. Time stood still. It was quiet. Silence.

Not even Joe looking down at her with tears in his eyes speaking to her was registering at that moment. It was a peaceful, warmth making her overwhelmed with emotion.

She heard laughter coming from the corner of the hospital room and spotted Papa.

" I came to collect what we agreed upon. That girl has powers." He told his client. Fiona nodded as he approached the bed and laid a hand over the quiet baby. He came to claim his prize.

" You've taken her powers, so leave." Fiona said as she stared deep into Papa's eyes.

" As you wish." He smiled and laughed before disappearing into thin air.

Just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone and Fiona was brought back to reality. The room was quiet and the hustle and bustle of doctors and nurses was replaced by dim lights, the TV softly playing in the background, and a sleepy baby wrapped up in Joe's arms.

" She's beautiful babydoll. I'm glad you're awake. Look at her." He said as he carefully sat at the end of the bed.

Fiona sat up a little and peered into the blankets tightly wrapped around the baby. She had Fiona's nose and Joe's cheeks. She was adorable, small, but adorable.

" She is half of the man I love. I can see she is wrapped around your finger already." Fiona smirked as she stared at Joe.

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her.

" She's going to grow up to be an amazing woman one day. Beautiful, strong, smart, just like you babydoll."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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