Chapter 4- The Proposal

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A few months had passed... The news of the baby was quickly growing on them. It was quite the surprise, but both had finally comes to terms with the news and Fiona was growing herself in more ways than one.

She was shocked at how much bigger she had gotten the past two and a half months. The morning sickness had passed just as quickly as it started, so mornings were much more pleasurable for her. She and Joe would wake up feeling their child moving around, and they would take a long walk outside and wait for the sun to come up. It was a picture perfect scene. What had formerly been her hell, was beginning to be her heaven. She was in bliss each and every day.

She felt like nothing could steal her joy...

Fiona was sleeping good one morning, she felt a warm hand gently slide across the black silk material that covered her growing stomach and heard Joe whispering to their baby. She sat listening a while before opening her eyes, smiling down at him and running a hand through his salt and pepper hair. 

He just stared into her eyes grinning.
" You just keep getting more and more beautiful." he said in his low husky voice.

Fiona giggled and rolled her eyes. " I'm starting to reach the size of a house." She replied as she laid her hands over his.

" No you aren't, you're beautiful, babydoll." he smirked.

Fiona smiled down at her lover boy wondering how she got so lucky.

They sat in the dark for a bit as they talked to their unborn child and waited for the sun to rise before Fiona was hungry for breakfast.

Joe was in the middle of a heated makeout session with her before she pushed him away. " I am hungry.." She whined and pouted.

Joe giggled. " Great- and I was just getting warmed up." he said before gently rolling off the bed.

Joe went to the kitchen and started cooking, humming a tune while he did so.

Fiona lingered around their bedroom for a bit, lost in thought as Joe cooked their food.

She was thinking more and more about Cordelia. She missed her daughter deeply, though she never let it show. She usually kept her emotions hidden away and rarely talked about her former life. The life she left behind.

" If only I could have the chance to raise you in New Orleans, in a beautiful house with Joe, spending days in our big backyard learning how to ride a bike, shopping in the French Quarter, listening to your daddy play in his band, seeing your big sister, the Supreme..." she trailed off as she felt her little one move around.

Never able to go much further than their land, Fiona longed for more. She never in a million years thought she would say this, but she missed Louisiana, and people, and being cooped up was really starting to get under her skin, although she couldn't tell if it was her hormones talking, or just the desire to be alive again, and around the comforts of what she knew her whole life.

She was brought out of her thoughts as Joe set a tray of breakfast on her lap. He kissed her head and went to cook himself something and put coffee on for himself.

" Is it good?" he asked, hoping to please her.

" Perfect." she grinned.

He left the room and went to make his breakfast.

When Joe left to go fishing, Fiona gathered up the candles they had lying around the house and a few herbs and went to work trying to see if anything could break the spell she was under.

She sat in the middle of the floor of their living room, and a few spells trying to conjure up anything.

She heard a chuckle coming from the other end of the room. She knew who the sinister laugh belonged to before even opening her eyes, Papa.

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