Chapter 7- Baby Faxeman

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Chapter 7- Baby Faxeman

As the weeks progressed, the summer of New Orleans began to die down and become much less brutal. Fiona made use of the newfound second chance at life she had been given. Joe too. Joe had found a band to play in and was busy writing new music and touring around with them while Fiona was busying preparing for their baby as well as try to help out some at the academy.

It had been an extremely hot summer this year and even indoors, there was no escaping the rising temperatures outside keeping many people indoors or at home which was no exception for the girls of Miss Robichaux's Academy.

While spending much of their time indoors, the young witches in training had been focusing more on learning about their powers and more about the history of the coven.

The 50 new witches were all beginning to grow into their own powers and it was evident there were some very promising leaders in this group- a few that showed potential to be a Supreme. There were several impressive witches in the bunch and the girls all got along quite nicely.

Fiona had been coming to the academy twice a week to help out and observe her daughter and the young apprentices. She had finally traded in her gorgeous closet and shoe collection for looser fitting black ensembles and lower heels- shoes she would never give up no matter how bad her feet hurt and her stomach grew.

Both Cordelia and Fiona were trying to mend their relationship and so far so good. Fiona had started over- learning her likes and dislikes, and investing more time to really get to know the amazing woman her daughter had become despite lack of parenting on Fiona's part.

She didn't realize how amazing her daughter was and was really enjoying the second chance before she would do this all over again in just a few months time.

Cordelia's resentment of her mother for so long made her strong and resilient in most situations- she could face almost anything. She sort of appreciated being pretty much abandoned by her mother because it taught her to be strong, and independent which was exactly the same way she wanted to raise the up and coming witches in their coven. Looking back, despite all the disdain for Fiona, Cordelia really admired her mother. She was a shitty supreme but she was a powerful and very smart witch.

Fiona was teaching the girls everything she knew and some things she had kept to herself but was more and more eager to share the knowledge she gained as a young witch and what helped her out when she first became the Supreme.

The young witches all eagerly listened to her and were always ready to learn when Fiona came and taught their lessons for the afternoon.

One afternoon, Queenie and Zoe took the girls on a trip to downtown New Orleans. They were going to a festival of sorts- with food, music, and games. Cordelia decided the girls could use a break and have a little fun, as long as they were back to the coven at a respectable hour.

Cordelia took the opportunity to spend the day relaxing with her mother. It was the first time in a long time she had some alone time with her and they were actually having a good time.

They started their afternoon off with brunch at a cafe Fiona loved, then went and picked up some baby things.

Fiona loved baby clothes and was a sucker for any of the stores they passed by. She was so excited to meet this child.

As they were walking to their car, Cordelia noticed her mother leaning against the side taking a few breaths and moaning.

" Mother? Are you feeling alright?" Cordelia asked nervously.

" Hmmm...oh I'm fine." Fiona replied. She didn't want to worry her daughter, or worry over false labor pains.

She was 8 and a half months along, and the doctor told her mild contractions were common in older mothers to which Fiona gave him the death stare for the comment on her age. Cordelia chuckled at the thought.

She drove her mother home so she could get some rest.

" Where is Joe?" she asked as they went inside.

" Probably with his band at rehearsal. He is performing he'll be home tonight. Don't worry about me. You should be joining those girls and having fun. You work to hard Delia. It's okay to let your guard down and have a little fun, maybe even meet a man, have sex." Fiona smirked as her daughter shot her a look and rolled her eyes.

" I'm fine mother. I'm more worried about you. Maybe I should stay until J-" Fiona cut her off. " For the last time, I'm fine. Dammit I'm pregnant, not cripple. Relax." Fiona giggled as she sat down on the big black leather loveseat.

" Well, alright. I'll go, but if you need me call." Cordelia said. Fiona rolled her eyes and mocked her daughter. " I'll call. Thanks mom." She giggled and waved her off.

Fiona was glad to take a rest. She had been busy the past few days giving exams and helping all the students and was looking forward to some quiet time before Joe came back.

Once Cordelia left, Fiona snuggled into the couch and tried to get some sleep. She was exhausted.

Fiona was awoken from her slumber by baby movements and a bit of thunder. She noticed the sun that once shown out her windows was replaced by dark clouds settling in. She pulled the blankets up tighter around her and checked her phone.

" Christ, I slept the day away." Fiona mumbled. It was nearly dinner time.

She saw a text from Joe and responded before shutting her eyes to finish her nap.

As she snuggled deeper into the couch, she felt the baby shifting around and this time felt a new pain. It was stronger and felt really weird. She sat up and groaned. " I was trying to finish resting." Fiona said sarcastically as she stared at her belly.

Fiona got up and decided to fix something to eat- figuring the baby was hungry.

As she made her way to the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks and grabbed for the wall, another pain ripped through her, this time with even more force and she felt water go down her legs. " Oh no..." Fiona gasped. Her water had broken.

Fiona tried to figure out what to do. She was in so much pain but she wasn't sure what to do. She found her cell phone and dialed up Joe, hoping he would pick up and hear her calling.

Luckily for her after the third ring he picked up. She could hear the familiar sounds of jazz music in the background fading away as Joe moved from the music.

" Babydoll- I was just thinking about you." He mumbled sexily through the phone. Fiona smirked a little and wished so desperately she could tease him over the phone but that would have to wait.

" Cut the bull mister, I'm in labor how fast can you get to the damn house?" Fiona snapped as she felt her stomach start to tense up again.

She was not happy, at the moment and not in the mood for jokes.

Joe laughed at how quickly her mood had changed, but it was cut short when he heard her morning from the other end of the phone, he knew she wasn't kidding this time.

" I'm on my way, just wait for me outside. And babydoll one more thing- I love you." Joe hung up and went inside the club.

" Fellas rehearse without me, I'm about to be a father!" He said. The group cheered him on and raised their glasses in his honor, sending him away with well wishes.

Joe carefully stowed his axe in the trunk and stepped on it. He peered back in the rear view mirror seeing the empty car seat, he shed a tear excited and anxious to meet the baby that would soon be occupying the seat, that would soon be staring back at him.

Joe was hurrying to the house, but also in deep thought as he drove. He was anxious, filled with questions, would the baby like him? Would she be a daddy's girl? Would He be a good father?

He knew all these questions were typical and first time dad worry, but he knew one thing for certain, he loved his daughter and he hadn't even met her yet.


Fiona hissed in pain and grabbed her phone and made it out the front door just as Joe pulled up to the house, darting from the vehicle.

" You still look gorgeous, babydoll." He said as he eased her into the car seat.

Fiona rolled her eyes and squeezed his hands tightly.

" Take it easy- these fingers pay the bills." Joe said.


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