Chapter 2- Settling In

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A few weeks had passed since Fiona had awoken in her new life. It had its ups and downs but she was trying to adjust and doing so in the most Fiona way possible. The two of them had gotten into a routine walking outside, dancing through their home, was peaceful.

Doing things as a couple was such a foreign and far out concept, but it was beginning to grown on them. It was odd not doing just for herself anymore, but Fiona actually was doing something for someone else, sharing a life and a bed with someone she actually loved.

Fiona didn't think she would like living like this- tied down to a man, not having powers, not being a witch, not being Supreme, Instead, she found herself feeling, feeling happy to have a man and a house to take care of and keep her sane.

Having this newfound responsibility changed her heart. She still had a lot to learn about being "normal." She still really wasn't sure what all being normal entailed but she was willing to try it.

Fiona awoke one morning before the sun came up. She had spent the past two nights tossing and turning. Joe was peacefully asleep bedside her.

She sat a few minutes starting at him as he slept. She ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair and sat thinking.

Life is really better. A man dropped everything to kill and die for you and he stayed. He didn't ditch you. He is here, and madly in love.

She grabbed her black robe and headed around the kitchen trying to find out where everything was. Instead of drinking her breakfast like she normally did, she decided to make tea.

She decided to start breakfast as well, she couldn't cook, or rather didn't do much of it, but was doing pretty well with eggs and toast. She was so hungry and felt like she hadn't eaten in days.

The Axeman stood in the doorway of their bedroom watching her cook and smiled to himself, glad she was coming around. He chuckled as he watched her taste the eggs she was scrambling. She was making quite a little housewife.

He thought she was the most beautiful creature he ever laid eyes on. He was so fascinated watching her every move.

" No morning bourbon?" The raspy voice said. Fiona jumped. " I didn't see you there how long have you been standing there?" She gasped.

" A bit. This is new, seeing Fiona Goode being domestic." He smirked as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

He kissed her lips and stared lovingly down at her, happy to have her here with him, in his own paradise.

" I decided to try some breakfast this morning and I tried to make tea too, although I'm sure you'd like our usual." Fiona replied with a wink.

" Mixing things up- I like it babydoll." He smiled back.

Joe fixed them some coffee and Fiona set their plates on the table. Fiona was a little nervous and wanted nothing more than to impress him. She was feeling so many different emotions- they were running wild lately.

As he bit into the eggs, Fiona watched with anticipation. He grinned knowing her eyes were on him. " Relax babydoll, they are amazing. You should try cooking us lunch." He smiled.

" You're getting ahead of yourself." Fiona smirked.

They finished breakfast and chatted a bit. Axeman could tell something was off with Fiona. He could tell something was bothering her.

After breakfast, he did their dishes and took her out on their porch swing for some fresh air and to watch the sun come up.

Mornings on a farm were nice. The land was musical- you could close your eyes and hear the sounds of nature and it was so peaceful- better than a bunch of teenage witches trying to come into their powers or the sounds of Madison entertaining a bunch of gentleman house callers at the wee hours of the morning.

Joe held his love in his arms as he rocked the swing back and forth creating a steady rhythm that made them both fall into a sleepy trance. He looked down at the blonde haired woman in his lap and noticed she had a glow to her. Not ethereal, but a real warmth to her face. It suited her.

After rocking back and forth for a while- Fiona was getting nauseous but didn't want to get up and ruin the romantic moment they were having. Swinging was something they did every morning together.

Joe felt her moving around and sit up. He peeled open an eye. " You alright, babydoll?" He worried. Fiona nodded. " Yes- I'll be right back my darling.."

She ran for their bathroom and threw up a few times. She sat a minute and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She felt terrible. She shakily stood up and tugged on her hair and let out a breath when nothing came out in her hands.

Great, just when I was feeling better...I thought the cancer was gone? I'm the picture of health...I'm dead for Christ's sake...shit

At 55, she had only one major illness bring her down- cancer. She never had colds, the flu, or any other sickness unless you count the horrible morning sickness from her pregnancy with Cordelia.

She sat a second before she gasped. Fiona was freaked out. " I can't be...."

She felt another round of nausea come up before having time to think of anything else to rationalize in her mind what could be wrong. Like with her cancer, she would get sick several times before finally collapsing from the exhaustion of it all. She had no idea her man was listening from the hall. He worriedly heard it all.

Fiona finally stopped retching long enough to rest her head in her hands when she felt a large, but soft hand rub her back. " Babydoll, let me help you." Joe said, effortlessly lifting the blonde into his arms.

Fiona rested her head against his chest as he carried her to their bed and laid her down. Once she was comfortable, she turned her back to Joe and clasped her hands around her stomach and shut her eyes. She tried sleeping. She wasn't sure what to think, she couldn't be, she was too old. A baby? How would he react?!

Fiona was quite surprised she could potentially be having another child, but wasn't quite sure how to handle the whole deal as a regular person- not a witch.

What Joe said nearly 3 months before, second chances came to her mind.

Could she finally give love to a child that wouldn't suck the life out of her? She smiled at the thought of being pregnant and getting to have a child with a man she loved.


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