Chapter 6- Academy

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Joe drove about 40 minutes to the school and former home of the Supreme.  It was a smooth ride over. Joe had jazz playing in the car as he drove them along. He looked over and noticed Fiona had been asleep for most of the ride over. He knew she must be exhausted. They had had a very long day already and he knew she needed some rest before they tackled something new. He shook her as they turned down the street.

" Wake up babydoll, we are here..." he said softly.

Fiona sat up and blinked her eyes a few times. She couldn't take her eyes off the large white antebellum home surrounded by black iron gates as they pulled up to the curb. She nervously rubbed her hand back and forth on her belly. She felt nervous and clammy and had tears in her eyes as a flood of memories came rushing back to her mind.

Joe sensed her nervousness and quickly grabbed her hand in his. " I'm right here."  he said grinning at his wife to be and gently swiping his thumb just under her eyes to catch the tears.

Fiona sucked in a big deep breath and smiled over at Joe. He got out of the car and went around and opened the door for his bride to be and extended a hand and helped her up. Fiona grabbed for his hand and took it gently in her own as they stood face to face with the gates.

Joe pushed on it, and it opened. They walked down the long sidewalk that approached the steps of the academy.

Fiona could see a few girls she didn't recognize peering out of the window, young witches. They were surprised and shocked, wondering if it really was the former supreme walking up their steps and even more surprised to see she looked even more regal than she did in the painted picture on the wall.

As they made it up the final step, the door opened to their surprise, without having to knock.

" Holy shit..." a voice said. Queenie stood in the doorway of the school, after hearing all the commotion from Cordelia's office, she decided to go check on the girls downstairs, she was shocked to hear what they were whispering about.

" Hello to you too, Queenie." Fiona offered up a smile to the girl. Joe tipped his hat and kept a hand on Fiona's back as he guided her through the door into the foyer.

Queenie did a double take as she stared at the two people that entered through the front door of the academy. She stared Fiona up and down and then looked at Joe who smiled at her. She thought they had killed him for killing Fiona, but surprised to see him looking as alive as ever.

Fiona took a deep breath as she inhaled the familiar scent of her old stomping grounds. Nothing had really changed, except for the many new faces that looked and stared on in amazement.

" Are you- are you the woman in that picture?" one girl with two long braids asked the former supreme as she tugged on the end of Fiona's black dress.

Fiona chuckled as she saw the portrait from the corner of her eye. " Yes." Fiona said to the girl with a small smile before she skipped away. At this point, all the girls had lost interest in their other tasks at hand and were more interested in Fiona Goode and the man at her side.

" Queenie, where is my dau-" before she could finish her thought, Fiona heard a familiar voice, and she felt totally unable to finish her sentence. Fiona stiffened up and pulled the cape she was wearing away from her body, so it didn't give away the baby bump she was trying to conceal.

Joe quickly came to her side and held her hand as they heard heels clicking down the old stairs.

" Cordelia- I think...I think there is something you need to see." Queenie said as she approached her boss, the new supreme.

" What is it? Is it a witch hunter?" Cordelia raised a brow.

" Maybe it's just the UPS man again. You know how Ellie likes to scare him to death." Zoe said with a laugh, referring to one of the girls in the coven that likes to scare the poor man every time he came to their house.

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