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I had just landed in Sydney, Australia, and I was already tired of this bloody place. I had sat next to a mother with her annoying seven year old daughter, who just wouldn't shut up about her Barbie’s. The flight alone took about 14 hours, maybe more, and we had landed one time to switch flight, yet I was stuck with the mother and her child the entire time. What are the chances of that?

The second we landed, I made my way through all the other passengers and hurried to get my suitcase. I waited for what felt like forever before my red suitcase showed up.

When I made my way out from the suitcase delivery or whatever you call it, to where people would greet their family members and whatever, but my mum was nowhere in sight. I continued to walk around until I got too impatient and pulled my phone out, so I could send an iMessage to my mum.

*Where the hell are you? I've been waiting for like 15 minutes : ((*

I totally sounded like a baby, but I hadn't seen my mum for the entire summer and I missed her so much. We had Skyped and texted, but it still wasn't the same.

My mum had fallen in love with this Aussie who had been transferred to work at the same hospital as my mum worked at for 6 months, and they had started dating. A week before he was going to leave he proposed to her and she said yes. Phil was a nice guy; I didn't really mind him as long as he was treating my mum good.

Anyways, my mum and him wanted to move in together, but since me and my mum was living in the sunny state of California, and Phil was living in Sydney, Australia, it wasn't easy to find a place.

But since my mum didn't have any family besides me, they decided to move to Australia. I was not pleased to be honest, but after having a lot of arguments with my mum, she just ended the whole thing by saying that she had decided that we should move to Australia and that was it.

I had been pissed at my mum and had stayed at my best friend Clara’s house for a while, before me my mum and my dad made a deal, that I would stay with dad over the summer break. The only part that wasn't so damn cool was that Australia was a weird place and they didn't really have summer break the same time as everyone else, or well, the same time as me. When it was winter in America, it would be summer in Australia and vice versa.

So that meant that I would be starting school in the middle if the if the year, and well, that wasn't really awesome.

My phone vibrated in my hand and i instantly opened the message from my mum, praying that she'd be picking my up soon.

*I can see youuuu* it said, and a couple of seconds later a black Audi r8 rolled up to me.

My mum literally jumped out before the car even stopped and she almost tripped before her arms flung around my neck.

"I missed you so much, aw my little baby girl!" She cried out, and I awkwardly hugged her back as I patted her on her back.

"I missed you too, mum. But can we please, like, get in the car because I'm so tired." I whined.

"Hi Maggie," Phil chirped as he got out of the car and put my suitcase in the car. I just smiled at him and said hey, before I went in the car and literally fell asleep as soon as we drove away from the airport.


"Mag, Maggie wake up honey, we're here." My mum whispered, and I let out a groan before my eyes opened and I crawled out.

"Here I'll take that, mate." Phil said, offering to take my suitcase. I just shrugged at his accent and took my suitcase in my hand before leading the way up to my new house.

"No thank you, mate." I said getting my American accent cut through the air just as thick as his Australian did.

He chuckled at me and I could sense my mum’s glares at my neck but I didn't care. My jetlag was so bad, or well, I'm not sure how jetlag is actually working or whatever you call it, but I was feeling sleepy so I just figured that was the famous jetlag feeling.

I stumbled into the house, and I must say, I was pretty impressed. Phil had a good load of money, so I highly doubted that I would miss anything in this house.

Most of my clothes were already shipped over here along with all if my other personal belongings, so my suitcase was really just the last of my stuff like clothes, some shows that I needed, money and my stuffed teddy bear lion named Simba. Most people would call me a child for having a stuffed lion, but I had owned Simba since I was like, four years old and he was my best friend.

"Honey, do you want to see your room?" My mum asked me, as her soft hand gave my shoulder a squeeze. Her brown eyes were lit up with excitement, so I gave her a big smile even though I was so tired, and gave her a nod.

She let out a squeal and took my hand in hers as she dragged up the stairs and practically ran down the hall to a door at the end of the hall.

"Are you ready?" She asked and before I could even answer, she had opened the door to reveal a white painted room with a queen sized bed and a beige-ish colored chair with some pillows and fluffy blankets on top of it.

"Tadaaaa!" She sang, and gave me a push that made me stumble into my new room. It was a little too girly for my taste, but it would probably turn out cool when I had unpacked my stuff and settled in. Rome wasn't built in a day or whatever you say.

I turned to my mum and gave her quick hug. "It's so pretty, I love it." I smiled at her, making sure she wouldn't be feeling bad about this whole moving thing. I might be a bitch but I hardly ever wanted to hurt my own mother’s feelings. I was still very angry with her, but since I was 17 I could just move back to Cali when I finished my senior year in high school, as my mum had pointed out.

When me and my mum had chatted a little bit about how her life was going here in Australia and how mine was most likely going to go at school, she left me to unpack and get settled in. After I had done that and safely places Simba on my bed, I went downstairs to get something to eat. It was 6 pm, and my mum was making lasagna as she had promised to do.

I walked into the kitchen and the smell of my mum’s homemade lasagna almost made me drawl out of excitement. My dad made a really good mac’ cheese, but it couldn’t beat my mum’s lasagna, ever.

“Maggie will you grab three glasses? They’re in the cabin next to the window.” She told me, and I mumbled a little ‘sure,’ that I wasn’t quite sure she had even heard.  

I walked over to the window and looked out at the garden. It wasn’t the prettiest or biggest, but considering the fact that both my mum and Phil were busy doctors, it was well kept. We lived next to a big red bricked house that had a pretty and well-kept white tree fence around the garden.

Just as I were about to open the cabin and pull out the glasses, I saw a boy storm out from the house next door. He looked angry and he kicked at a ball that was lying on the lawn before he turned to his right and looked straight at me. 


Hiii. So this is basically my fanfiction about Luke and I hope u really like it. I imagine Maggie as Emma Roberts, and i know that there weren’t really any description about her but I just really needed to start this story like rn and then just roll with it. So Maggie is like moving from the states to “down under” and she’s not really happy about it but shes doing it for her mothers sake and bla bla. There’ll be many more details about their relationship and Maggie as the story like goes on, so please just give it a shot, please?

Anyways, my Instagram is called @mashtonpunks just like my wattpad name aha aha lol not funny, and ill update y’all there about when im adding another chapter and stuff like that. If you have any question please be free to ask, I wont bite lol even though im super awkward


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