S7 Lotor Theories

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Alright. Its here..  The theories and what ifs are here.
So I'm pretttty sure. 100% sure that was lotor's ship in the s7 trailer.

--------So how did he get out of the quintessence field you may ask

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So how did he get out of the quintessence field you may ask.

1. He used the last of his energy to teleport out.

2. Haggar got him out.

Is he good or is he bad?

He has good intentions but has bad actions.


Why was he grabbing the yellow lion?

1. What if he was saving hunk from something/someone

2. He's capturing voltron so he can explain he's side

3. He's flat out insane.

Is he corrupted like Zarkon was?

1.  Yes, he has those yellow eyes. Like the one we saw when haggar was remembering lotor.

2. Yes, but Allura uses her powers to heal him.

Is he on Voltron side or haggar/ sendak side?

1. He's probably on none. But i believe he'll help voltron against sendak to get back the throne

2. voltron??


Will we hear his side?

Probably. He'll tell the other part of the truth that Romelle didn't tell.

Does he have Amnesia?

1. he probably doesn't remember the fight but he remembers Allura calling him Zarkon

2. Its all fuzzy to him

3.  All he remembers is the fight and Voltron leaving him.

4. Which is least to happen.. He  remembers everything and he isn't corrupted.


Ok so what if Allura calling him zarkon is the only thing he remembers and it's haunting him. So he kidnaps voltron for answers. And that's when they tell him everything and he apologised. Then he helps them to defeat Sendak.


He pops up at an unexpected moment. I think he'll pop up in the end of ep 6... Kind of like how he popped up in the end of s4 to save Keith. Just something similar. To make us gasp and go wow i didn't see that coming.

He already knows what's gonna happen. He has this multi layered plan. Remember when he spoke to haggar and he said.

"Beg for your life now.. And when the time comes.. Maybe I'll spare pitty on you.."

It seemed as if he knew he'd survived. As if he knew what was going to happen.  Lotor is very smart, don't forget that.
Now Jds and Lauren keep saying over and over that lotor's intentions are true and that he ment everything prior the fight. They say it as if we should keep remembering that. As if its going to apply for something in the future...


The whole colony...
We don't know the reason why he did it. I want to know why. Haggar didn't seem phased at all when she heard about. It was as if she already knew it. What if she was the one making lotor do it? But lotor didn't want to do it, haggar had something on him. Black mail.

Why did he stop with the colony? As you saw, when Romelle, keith and kroylia went to the creepy lab, it was full of dust as if it hasn't been touched in years.

The alteans were in pods. What if the reason why lotor wanted to open the quintessense field was to take the quintessense to heal the alteans in the pod?

Well thats it for now. :)

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